2-49.The TYCOM does NOT have which ofthe following trainingr e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s?1.Prescribe training exercisesduring intertype competition2. Select exercises to meettraining requirements3.Require that ships performexercises either with otherships or separately4.Maintain records of the overallperformance of each ship2-50.The grade awarded for a TYCOMtraining exercise is planned toestablish which of the followingconditions?1.An effective chain of command2.A well-trained crew3.Proven combat readiness4.Uniformity within the type2-51.A ship will undergo shakedowntraining when it is in which of thefollowing statuses?1.Newly commissioned2.Recently overhauled3.Newly reactivated4.Recently repaired2-52.A fleet training group (FTG) useswhat type of evaluation todetermine a ships readiness tobegin refresher training?1. ORE 2. TRE 3.TYCOM4.A r r i v alFigure 2DIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 2-53 THROUGH 2-56,SELECT THE MEMBER OF THE TRAININGORGANIZATION IN FIGURE 2D WHOSE DUTIES AREDESCRIBED IN THE QUESTION.2-53. Members of the planning board fortraining.1.A, C, and E2.A, B, and C3.B, C, and E4.C, E, and F2-54. Administer(s) the ship’s trainingprogram.1.A and B2.A and C3.A only4.C only2-55. Develop the engineering departmenttraining program.1.A and B2.B and C3.B and D4.C and D2-56. Coordinate training within thed i v i s i o n.1.B and E2.C and F3.E and F4.C, D, and E2-57. What type of training is nearlyalways offered as a refresher onboard ship?1.Indoctrination2.Professional3.M i l i t a ry4.Leadership2-58.What type of training is most oftenadjusted to fit the experience ofthe person to be trained.1.Indoctrination2.Professional3.M i l i t a r y4.Leadership2-59.Operational training is oftencalled the application phase ofwhat type of training?1.Indoctrination2.Professional3.M i l i t a ry4,Leadership14
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