3-8.You can determine the truecombustion efficiency of a boilerby which of the following means? the condition of the fireand stackInspect boiler for air casingleaksConduct bottom and surfaceblows and maintain properboiler chemistryMaintain proper fuel oilpressure3-9.Excessive bearing wear can best beprevented by which of the followingmeans?1.Maintain lube oil cooler outlettemperature between 120° and130”.2.Inspect bearing wear accordingto prescribed PMS procedures3.Purify lube oil storage tanksweekly4.Sample lube oil daily3-10.The efficiency of a condenser andits component auxiliaries will bereduced by which of the followingactions?1.Use minimum amounts of coolingwater2.Maintain a unifom flow ofsteam to the air ejectors3.Recirculate condensatee x c e s s i v e ly4.Maintain minimum operationalspeeds for auxiliary pumps3-11.When, if ever, are you permitted todisable a safety device onoperating machinery?1.When training personnel2.While lighting off theengineering plant3.While conducting ECC drills4.Never3-12.The posting of engineeringdepartment safety precautions in aconspicious and accessible place isthe responsibility of whato f f i c e r ( s ) ?1.The engineer officer2.T h e d i v i s i o n o f f i c e rs3.T h e s a f e t y o f f i c e r4.The commanding officer3-13.When engineering personnel workoutside the engineering department,who has the responsibility to trainthem and enforce safetyprecautions?1.The engineering divisiono f f i c e r2.The LCPO3.The MPA4.The department head controllingthe operation3-14.What is the purpose of securingschedules?1.They provide a time effectiveway to secure the engineeringplant2. They ensure the engineeringplant is not secured tooquickly3.They provide a means todetermine watch qualifications4.They increase the life cycle ofmachinery3-15.Warm-up and securing schedules areNOT required for which of thefollowing ships?1.Noncombatant ships2.Reserve combatant ships3.Auxiliary ships4.Ships covered by EOSS17
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