3-25.3-26.3-27,During a full-power trial, readingsmust be recorded at what intervalsof time?1.15 min2.30 min3.45 min4.60 minThe official full power trialshould NOT officially begin untilwhich of the following conditionsis/are met?1.The ship is up to full powerand steaming independently2.The ship is within 15 rpm ofdesigned full power3.The ship is at full power andall readings are constant4.Two sets of readings have beentaken and verified correct bythe chief observerWhat is the purpose of theengineering plant accelerationtable?1.To ensure proper coordinationthroughout the full-power trial2.To demonstrate the ship’sability to answer all emergencyb e l ls3.To prevent boilers fromoverloading4 .To set and check boiler firingrate to design specificationsQUESTIONS 3-28 THROUGH 3-39 REFER TOREADINESS INSPECTIONS, PEB, AND INSURVINSPECTIONS.3-28.Engineering readiness inspectionchecklists are divided into whatthree sections?1.Machinery, administration,and auxiliary2.Electrical, machinery,and auxiliary3.Damage control, machinery,and electrical4.Administration, damage control,and machineryFigure 3BIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 3-29 THROUGH 3-33,CHOOSE THE INSPECTION IN FIGURE 39 THAT ISDESCRIBED IN THE QUESTION.3-29.Performed on ship’s returning froma foreign station, at 3-yearintervals, or when the fitness ofthe ship is in doubt.1. A2. C3. E4. F3-30.Verifies adherence to propulsionplant readiness standards andensures proper operation ands a f e t y .1. B2. D3. E4. F3-31.Evaluates the actual materialcondition of a ship’s equipment,machinery, and fittings.1. C2. D3. E4. F3-32.The inspections that are includedin readiness inspections.1.A, B, and C2.B, C, and F3.B, D, and E4.C, E, and F19
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