QUESTIONS 3-16 THROUGH 3-27 REFER TOENGINEERING READINESS TRIALS.3-16.Self-observation of full power andfuel economy trials is permittedunder which of the followingconditions?1.When directed by NAVSEA2.When it is not practical toprovide observers from anothership3.When recommended by TYCOM4.During independent operationsFigure 3AIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 3-17 THROUGH 3-21,CHOOSE FROM FIGURE 3A THE PERSON OR PARTYTHAT HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY DESCRIBED INTHE QUESTION.3-17.3-18.3-19.Reviews fuel soundings, counterreadings, logs, and records.1. A2. B3. C4. DInstructs, organizes, and stationsthe observing party.1. A2. B3. C4. DRequests a system that ensuressimultaneous signals of fuelsoundings, counters, and meters tobe taken.1. A2. C3. D4. E3-20.Ensures that all incorrectrecording are corrected.1. A2. C3. D4. E3-21.Verifies and includes within thetrial report any violation of trialinstructions or sound engineeringp r a c t i c e s.1. A2. B3. C4. E3-22.During the full-power trial, if therpm is not held constant or isinterrupted, you should take whata c t i o n ? the interruption is forminor equipment failure,continue the trialIf the cause can be determinedand corrected within 5 minutes,resume when readyRecord as unsatisfactory andbegin new trialExtend the length of trial tocover the lost time3-23.The engineer officer should reportthe condition of the engineeringplant to the commanding officerwithin what maximum number of daysbefore the trial date?1.One2.Two3.Three4.Four3-24.What authority furnishesrequirements for engine speed atvarious displacements and injectiontemperatures?1.The engineer officer2.The CNO3.The TYCOM4.The Deputy Chief of NavalOperations for Fleet Operationsand Readiness18
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