ASSIGNMENT 3Textbook Assignment: “Engineering Operations,” chapter 4, all. and “Engineering Material,”chapter 5, pages 5-1 through 5-41.3-1.3-2.3-3.3-4.What term best describeso p e r a t i o n a l r e l i a b i l i t y , f u e l , f e e dand freshwater performance, and thea b i l i t y t o c o n t r o l c a s u a l t i e s? trialsSound engineering practiceEngineering readinessTechnical knowledgeoperation of the engineeringplant at normal pressures andtemperatures with minimal speedchanges achieves what benefit?1.Overall plant performance,r e l i a b i l i t y , and efficiency2.Fewer casualties3.Smaller watch teams4.Improved teamwork throughoutthe engineering departmentThe engineer officer should requirethat a tabular record of normalfeedwater and potable waterconsumption be kept for readyreference in what part of the ship? log roomMain engine controlDamage control centralThe ship’s officePrescribed acceleration tablesshould be strictly adhered to inorder to1.maximize control of the fuel and extend machineryl i f e3.allow maximum flexibility ofmachinery configuration at allspeed changes4.prolong the period betweenboiler cleaning3-5.You can best maintain proper wateranalysis and prevent scaleformation by which of the followingmeans?1.Blow tubes weekly2.Backfill the boiler as required3.Surface blow the boiler asneeded4.Bottom blow the boiler weekly3-6.Fireside cleaning of the boiler maybe delayed until overhaul by whicho f1.2.3.4.the following meansUse distillate fuel only andmaintain proper water chemistryUse distillate fuel only,conduct periodic inspections ofr e f r a c t o r y, and be surerefractory has few deposits at1800 hoursConduct bottom blows andchemically treat as necessaryafter securing the boilerMaintain proper fuel/airmixture, inspect atomizers, andprevent air casing leakage3-7.Combustion efficiency within aboiler is reduced by which of thefollowing conditions?1.Excessive superheater outlettemperatures2.Excess air entering the fuelr e g i s t er3.Improper fuel\air ratios4.Excess air entering the boilerany place other than at theburner register16
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