3-33.3-34.3-35.3-36.3-37.Evaluates the ship’s administrativeprocedures.1. A2. B 3. C4. EEngineering casualty control drillsare not required for which of thefollowing inspections? readinessOperational readinessLOEOPPEINSURV inspection is scheduledabout how many months before thenext scheduled overhaul?1.Two to three2.Two to four3.Three to six4.Four to sixWhen does an official INSURVinspection begin? upon the arrival ofthe board if the ship is mooredto a pier or dockWhen the chief observerreceives all pertinent logs andreports of machinery conditionsDuring the first week of thescheduled upkeepWhen the engineering plant hascorrected all majordiscrepancies observed by theadvanced INSURV teamThe INSURV board senior membersends the inspection results andfindings to which of the followingauthorities?1.The appropriate TYCOM2.NAVSEASYSCOM3.The president of SurfaceWarfare Readiness Group4.The president of the INSURV3-38.When a ship is found to have amajor operational discrepancy, thesenior member of an INSURVinspection board reports that factto what person?1.The Chief of Naval Operations2.The President of the Board ofInspection and Survey3.The TYC0M4.The commanding officer3-39.EOSS has how many major subsystems?1.One2.Two3.Three4.Four3-40.The development of the EOP includeswhich of the following parameters?1.Not all engineering equipmentis made operational2.Written operational steps areprepared for under-instructionwatch standers to stand watchunder emergency condition3.Only authorized weapons supportsystems alterations arerecognized4.Valves are labeled according toSIB3-41.EOSS was established as the basicguide for operational proceduresand casualty control for theengineering plant by whati n s t r u c t i o n?-1.OPNAVINST 9000.12.SECNAVINST 5430.113.OPNAVINST 9200.34.OPNAVINST 4790.11board20
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