Figure 5CIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 5-24 THROUGH 5-27.SELECT THE DART PROCESS PHASE FROM FIGURE5C THAT IS DESCRIBED IN THE QUESTION.5-24.5-25.5-26.5-27.7-28.The DCNM for logistics supportapproves equipment to be added tothe DART program.1. A2. B3. C4. DDART data is assembled andanalyzed.1. A2. B3. C4. DA DEM is assigned to define theproblem.1. B2. C3. D4. EThe implementation, majormilestone,and milestone plans aresubmitted.1. A2. C3. D4. EThe DPD submits the approvedequipment nomination report forreview to what authority(ies)?1.NAVSEA2.CNO3.The appropriate SYSCOM or PM4.The Fleet Commanders-in-Chief5-29.What authority is responsible forthe DART program?1.Deputy Chief of Naval Material,Logistics Support2.Chief of Naval Operations3.Commander, Naval Ship BuildingF a c i l i ty4.Commander, Naval Supply Center5-30.The number one fleet materialproblem is being dealt with by whatDART improvement program?1.Feed pump2.Forced draft blower3.Fire pump4.1200 psi boiler5-31.The Fleet Modernization Program(FMP) reviews SHIPALTS for allEXCEPT which of the followingf a c t o r s?1.Cost estimates2.Technical and materialf e a s i b i l i t y3.Ship configuration4.Combat readiness5-32.The FMP generally contains allprogrammed and unprogrammedSHIPALTS for what period of yearson specified ships?1.Five2.Two3.S ix4.Four5-33.What official is responsible forthe execution of the FMP?1.NAVSEA2.CNO3.Fleet commanders4.Individual commanding officers5-34.Completed and outstanding SHIPALTSare identified for planningpurposes in which of the followingprograms?1.S A C S2.NAVSEA3.180-day letter4.SARCA36
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