5-9.5-10.5-11.5-12.What NAVSEC department isresponsible for procuring newequipment and restoring repairmaterial on hand?1.Ship Concept Design Department2.Command and Surveillance3.Ship Systems Engineering andDesign4.Ship MaterialOriginal operational control ofships and units, personnelallowances, material matters, andgeneral logistics matters withintheir forces are the responsibilityof what authority?1.Fleet commanders2.TYCOMS3.Task force commanders4.Squadron commandersRecommendations for alterationst h a t a f f e c t s h i p s ’ m i l i t a rycharacteristics are originated bywhat officer(s) within a TYCOM’Sf o r c e s?1.The commanding officer only2. The ship’s senior inspector3.The TYCOM staff and commandingo f f i c e r4.The engineer officer andcommanding officerRecommendations for overhaulschedules, emergencyavailabilities, and the use ofrepair facilities are made by whatTYCOM staff member?1.The material officer2 .The Chief of Staff forl o g i s t i cs3.The staff assistant4.The Assistant Chief of Staff5-13.The oversight of materialmaintenance operations, preparationof maintenance instruction manuals,and supervision of ship repairs areresponsibilities of what TYCOMstaff member’?1.The logistics and maintenanceo f f i c e r2.The material officer3.The assistant material officer(engineering)4.The assistant material officer(engineering-operating )5-14,A message reporting that a ship,craft, shore activity, or overseascommand has incurred a casualtythat affects its mission and taskis part of what program?1.FITREP2.CASCOR3.SITREP4.CASREP5-15.What manager uses CASREP data toevaluate equipment deficiency,review repair procedures, anddevelop and review and repair andoverhaul criteria?1.The acquisition project manager2.The technical/procurementmanager3.The ship maintenance andmodernization manager4.The ship superintendent34
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