5-35.X and Y alterations are in whatcategory of alterations?1.programmed2 .unprogrammed3.provisional4.Deferred5-36.Priorities for title F and DSHIPALTS are assigned by whatauthority?1.DART program directors2.The COs of the requesting ship3.TYCOMS4.CNOQuestions 5-37 through 5-66 refer tochapter 8, "Quality Assurance."5-37.What is the fundamental rule of thequality assurance (QA) program?1.Provide a uniform policy ofmaintenance and repair2.Improve discipline in equipmentr e p a ir3.Document all departures froms p e c i f i c a t i o ns4.Meet technical specificationsat all times5-38.The QA program applies to work doneby what repair groups?1.IMAs only2.IMAs, SIMAS, and SRFS only3.Ship’s forces only4.IMAs, SIMAS, SRFS, and ship’sf o r c es5-39.Each activity’s QA program must bebased on QA manuals issued by whichof the following authorities?1.NAVSEA2.Fleet commanders only3.TYCOMs only4.TYCOMs and fleet commanders5-40.The division officer has orderedmaintenance work to be completed inhis division. The responsibility toensure that work meetsspecifications belongs to which ofthe following persons?1.The individual workers2.The leading chief3.The work center supervisor “4.The division officer5-41.Most key QA assignments arec o l l a t e r a l d u t y.1.True2.FalseFigure 5DIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 5-42 THROUGH 5-54,SELECT THE POSITION IN FIGURE 5D WHOSEDUTIES ARE DESCRIBED IN THE QUESTION.5-42.Assigned to administer the QAprogram for TYCOM.1. A2. B3. E4. F5-43.Qualifies key personnel in the QAprogram.1. A2. C3. E4. F5-44.Responsible for the quality ofmaterial within the command.1. A2. B3. C4. F37
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