4-62.When the supplying ship cannotfurnish an analysis of the fuel oilit delivers, you should takesamples from the tank being filledby what means?1.From gauge cutout valves2 .With a dipper from the tank orthrough sample connections onthe tank piping3.Collect oil that is leaking atfuel oil connections4.Stop pumping, break theconnection, and collect thesample4-63.After all fuel oil tanks are full,you should clear delivery fuel oilhoses by what means?1.Allow the remaining fuel togravity feed back to the tank2.Disconnect hoses veryc a r e f u l l y,drain them to alarge drip pan, and then capthe hose3.Have the supplying ship take aback suction or blow back theoil with compressed air4.Align the fuel oil transfersystem and transfer theremaining fuel to a waste tank4-64.Which of the following is NOT atypical step used to discharge fuelo i l ?1.Sound all tanks that will beused to deliver fuel oil2.Line up fuel oil systems andcheck fuel oil pump operations3.Ensure the OOD has draftreadings taken forward and aftbefore and after fueling4.Heat the oil to produce aviscosity of 250 SSU4-65.Liquid is shifted from one place toanother on the ship to producewhich of the following effects?1.Fuel economy2.Attainable speed3.Crew comfort4.S t a b i l i ty4-66.The free surface effect within afuel oil service tank is limited bywhich of the following means?1.Maintain as close as possibleto 95% fuel levels in fuel oilsystem2.Flood the fuel oil servicetanks with seawater3.Provide proper ballastingthroughout the ship4.Ballast all unused tanks andv o i ds4-67.The ballasting system on board aship is used for which of thefollowing purposes?1.To reduce instability in caseof damage or small store off u e l o il2.To flush out tanks and voids3.To move liquids to calibrateinclinometers4.To transfer fuel from oneservice tank to another4-68.What is meant by the term “freesurface effect” with respect torefueling?1.The amount of free movement aliquid has in a tank or void2.The effect of oil beingdischarged on water3.The ability of water tod i s s o l v e f u e l o il4.The emulsification that takesplace when oil and water aremixed32
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