EVALUATION OF GOALSThis chart will be used to construct a plot of the corrective goalsestablished in the IMPLEMENTATION PLAN versus completion datesto evaluate progress toward goals. These goals are Mean Time BetweenFailures (MTBF), Mean Time To Repair (MITR), OperationalAvailability (&], Delay Time Awaiting Parts, Average Repair Time, andso forth. These plots should be shown on a single chart, using appropriatescales on the Y-axis for the corrective goals and the X-axis for theappropriate time phase. The EVALUATION OF GOALS chart willnormally come into play after return information is available showingprogress toward goals.Figure 7-8B.-Evaluation of goats (explanation for using chart).The commanders of NAVAIRSYSCOM,NAVSUPSYSCOM, and NAVSEASYSCOM (or theirdesignated representatives) have the following generalresponsibilities in the DART program:QllllllReview problem equipment nominations forconcurrence.Develop and submit remedial programs to theDPD to solve problems for equipment for whichthey are responsible and that has been approvedfor DART program management.Be sure adequate resources are provided toaccomplish the corrective actions.Manage the remedial programs.Provide progress reports to the DPD.Nominate problem equipments.Provide inputs to the CNM to help in the finalselection of problem equipment. -In addition to these general responsibilities, variouscommands are assigned the following responsibilities:. All three SYSCOMS issue implementingdirectives to satisfy their general responsibilities,which were described earlier. Each of themll1.2.3.4.designates a single point of contact within theircommands for matters related to the DARTprogram.COMNAVSEASYSCOM establishes necessarystaffing and develops procedures to satisfy theresponsibilities of the DPD.The Chief of Naval Personnel (CHNAVPERS) isassigned the following responsibilities:Designate a single point of contact withinNAVPERS to interface with the SYSCOMpoints of contact described in the previousparagraph.Find solutions to personnel problems that affectequipment, such as too few personnel orinadequate training. Such problems can beexpected as a result of SYSCOM analysis ofselected problem equipments.Develop and submit to the DPD a timely andrealistic course of action to resolve identifiedpersonnel problems.The Deputy Commander, Fleet Maintenance andLogistic Support Directorate, is designated as the DPD.In addition to the responsibilities mentioned earlier7-17
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