under COMNAVSEASYSCOM, the DPD has thefollowing responsibilities: equipment nomination reports to addapproved equipment to the DART program.Recommend to CNM the approval ordisapproval of nominations for new DARTequipments.Recommend to CNM that he remove equipmentfrom the DART program list when SYSCOM orPM recommend and justify removal.Brief CNM and the executive director for DARTquarterly on the status of the DART program andDART equipment.Disseminate the initial and quarterly update ofeach approved equipment approvementprogram.SYNOPSIS OF DART IMPROVEMENTPROGRAM PROGRESSThis section is addressed to the engineer officer anddiscusses some of the more important DART programsnow in operation. You can find additional informationabout other DART programs in the current quarterlyprogress report on improvement programs for DARTequipment.THE 1200 PSI BOILER PROGRAMThis program has been designated as the No. 1 fleetmaterial problem. The major problems are prematurefailure of boiler components, unreliable boiler controlsand instrumentation, lack of operational experience,inadequate maintenance equipment, poordocumentation, and lack of spare parts. The programcovers over 90 ships and about 375 boilers. All 1200-psiboilers and related equipment and the feedwater andcombustion control systems are included. We havestarted some corrective action to reach some short-,intermediate-, and long-term goals. These will reducethe material condition index, average repair time, andaverage time awaiting parts.The milestones that show slippage are mostlycaused by funding delays or a temporary lack ofmanpower, but we are making satisfactory progress.Most procurement actions are now in the contractingstage and several contracts have already been signed,Ninety percent of the RDT&E efforts are now working.We have completed many SHIPALT proposals whileothers are in process and probably will be completedshortly. PMS-301, the 1200-psi steam propulsion plantproject office, has assumed management control of thisDART program.THE FIRE PUMP IMPROVEMENTPROGRAMThe goal of this program is to increase thereliability of fire pumps on all surface ships and the timeneeded to repair them. Most of the problems are inmaintenance rather than design. Because fire pumps areused in severe and continuous service, a comprehensivemaintenance program is required. We plan correctiveaction to increase parts support at the stockingactivities, fill onboard allowance lists, and graduallyupgrade pump-part material. We will measure successin terms of increased operating time between failuresand less time waiting for parts.THE AIR COMPRESSOR IMPROVEMENTPROGRAMThis program covers about 3500 ship’s service aircompressors in the active fleet. The problems arerecurring failures, high repair cost, repeated overhaul,and logistic problems in getting repair material. Theprincipal causes are obsolescence, mandatorymaintenance requirements to prevent fires andexplosions, severe duty cycles, short compressor life,and shortage of replacement compressors and parts. Tocorrect the problems, we plan to replace obsolete anddefective compressors earlier and to correctdeficiencies in design and material support. We arecontinuing research and development andstandardization work that produces useful elements thatwe key into the compressor improvement program. Weare getting replacement compressors at no cost to thefleet. We hope the TYCOMs will bear the installationcosts.THE FORCED DRAW BLOWERPROGRAMThis program covers about 2000 forced draftblowers in the active fleet. The problems are recurringfailures, high cost of repairs, and erratic performance ofcontrols. The principal causes are difficulty in makingrepairs, high cost of maintenance, and lube oilcontamination of vertical barrel-type blowers. Also, wehave identified various design deficiencies in thecontrol and lubrication systems. We are finding specificdeficiencies, and we are developing and implementingcorrective actions at a rapid pace. The program provides7-18
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