water separators to be installed in vertical blowers when
they are needed, and we are developing standardized
blower controls for future horizontal blowers.
We expect this program to increase the reliability of
main feed pumps on all steam, or active surface, ships.
The problems are in maintenance rather than design.
This equipment is critical, so we require a
comprehensive maintenance and repair program. We
plan corrective action to improve overhauls, increase
parts support, improve technical documentation, and
replace obsolete main feed pumps. We measure the
success of the program in terms of increased operating
time between failures and a decrease in time waiting for
All active fleet ship alterations are under one
program called the Fleet Modernization Program
(FMP). The FMP is the CNO-approved program to
modernize and improve ships of the fleet.
The FMP works through the collective action of the
fleets, the TYCOMs, the PMS, the SYSCOMs, and
CNO. They review SHIPALTS in the active fleet and
establish a realistic plan to accomplish them. This
includes a review of technical and material feasibility,
cost estimates, and ship configurations to balance
improvements in combat capabilities against available
resources. The FMP generally contains all programmed
and unprogrammed ship alterations for specific ships
during a 6-year period.
. Title K SHIPALTs require depot-level expertise
and centrally provided material (CPM), and are
considered the most complex.
. Title D SHIPALTs require depot-level, IMA, or
ships force (SF) expertise, are considered less complex,
are equivalent to an alteration equivalent to a repair
(AER), and may require CPM.
. Title F SHIPALTs require IMA/SF expertise, do
not require CPM, and are considered the least complex.
PROGRAMMED ship alterations are those that
will be done within one of the fiscal years according to
a projected overhaul schedule.
UNPROGRAMMED ship alterations are new
SHIPALTs or those without a high-enough priority to be
PROGRAMMED alterations.
PROVISIONAL alterations are for Xmilitary
improvement or Ytechnical improvement. Each
request for a provisional alteration should be submitted
via the responsible NAVSEA Ship Logistics Divisions
(SLD). Provisional ship alterations, will be excluded
from FMP execution and budget years. Therefore, the
SLD must convert the provisional alterations to
approved SHIPALTs before it can be included in the
budget and execution years of the FMP. The requests
should include program material, estimated production
man-days, and estimated installation cost. The request
will be considered for FMP programming sometime
during the 4 years following the budget year and when
priority dictates. CNO will authorize exceptions on an
individual basis.
CNO directs execution of the FMP, and NAVSEA
is the executive agent for NAVMAT. NAVSEA issues a
material supplement along with each semiannual FMP
that covers all years of the FMP. The material
supplement identifies time-phased material
requirements for support of the FMP. NAVSEA
authorizes planning and engineering for repairs and
alterations (PERA) overhaul yards to do advance
planning as required to support overhauls. PERA is
described in chapter 9 of this publication. Design and
other engineering work related to overhauls and
availabilities will be funded.
The FMP constitutes a ship improvement program
for each ship of the active fleet. Outstanding alterations
are grouped in the following categories: programmed
title K SHIPALTs, unprogrammed title K SHIPALTs,
mandatory title D and F SHIPALTs, and the package
SHIPALT program.
The TYCOMs include in the FMP those
programmed ordnance alterations (ORDALTs) and title
D and F SHIPALTs that are mandatory and that may
require engineering drawings and/or special program
material support. By including SHIPALTs in this list,
TYCOMs ensure that drawings will be prepared and
material procured for D SHIPALTs subject to priorities
and available funds. The F SHIPALTs should be
accomplished before, or along with, other overhaul
work. Outstanding ORDALTs are included especailly to