a U.S. civil service employee or a local employee, as aretheir lower-level supervisors. These shop masters areassistant repair superintendents who supervise all workdone in their specialties whether in their shops or on theships. (NOTE: Some fleet activities have a ship repairdepartment, or SRD, rather than a repair division.)The assistant superintendent who is responsible forhull work is also responsible for drydocking. The actualdrydocking is supervised by a docking officer who isusually an ED officer with special dockingqualifications. Navy Regulations and the Naval Ships’Technical Manual require that the docking officer takeresponsibility for the ship when it starts to cross the sillof the drydock, and give responsibility back to the ship’sCO when the ship clears the sill on the drydock on itsway out. We will discuss docking in more detail later inthe chapter.Shop DivisionThis division maintains and supports the equipmentand structures in the shops. It is headed by a shopsuperintendent, usually a LCDR, who may be an EDofficer or line officer. The division also handlesproduction methods, safety, stores, and housekeeping.In a naval shipyard, this division would also beresponsible for industrial supervision, but the repairdivision handles it in an SRF. The shop superintendentusually has a junior officer as assistant shopsuperintendent and safety officer.Ship SuperintendentThe repair superintendent also supervises a groupof officers called ship superintendents. They are juniorED officers or line officers whose duties parallel thoseof the ship superintendents in IMAs, SIMAs, and navalshipyards. When a ship is assigned an availability, therepair superintendent assigns a ship superintendent forthat ship. The ship superintendent gets copies of all workrequests that are sent to the ship and the shops to helpthem keep track of all work in progress on the assignedship. The ship superintendent is liaison between the shipand the repair superintendent. He directs all work on theship and coordinates all work done in the shops. Hecoordinates all tests, changes in work requests, orderingof material, and sign-offs of work orders for his assignedship.NAVAL SHIPYARDSNaval shipyards are under the control of the NavalSea Systems Command (NAVSEASYSCOM). Eachship in the active fleet is assigned a home yard and aplanning yard. The home yard is the naval shipyard atwhich a ship usually gets its regular overhaul. CNOassigns the home yard based upon the geographicassignment of the ship and NAVSEASYSCOMrecommendations.NAVSEASYSCOM assigns the planning yard Onenaval shipyard or other activity is assigned as a planningyard for each ship type. The planning yard providesdesign services and keeps up-to-date tiles of workingdrawings and selected records and data. The planningyard usually does the design work for the class of shipassigned and provides the required drawings to each ofthe other shipyards working on ships of the class. Theplanning yard also may handle central procurement ofmaterial.Shipyard management is responsible for all phasesof naval shipyard activity. The line of authority andcontrol passes from the shipyard commander throughthe heads of departments, divisions, and offices to theadministrative units. See the U.S. Navy Regulations andNavy Department directives for additional informationon naval shipyard management and organization. Figure9-2 shows the organization of a typical U.S. navalshipyard.A ship’s engineer officer will be most concernedwith the planning and production departments. Theplanning department prepares plans and orders material,and the production department is made up of the shopsthat do the actual repair work on the ship. We’ll discussboth in the next paragraphs.PLANNING DEPARTMENTBefore a ship begins an overhaul, the shipyard’splanning department usually receives a copy of theship’s worklist and the amount of funding, bothapproved by the TYCOM. The planning departmentuses that information to develop preliminary estimatesof the work that can be done with the available funds. Itsends them to the production department where theproduction control branch of the repair division uses theestimates to schedule the workload. Next, the planningdepartment prepares requisitions for material requiringlong lead time, and issues a preliminary work bookletfor repairs. Figure 9-3 shows the organization of atypical planning department.When a ship is to be overhauled, the shipyard triesto send representatives to inspect the ship before itreaches the shipyard. They check plans against actualconditions and make any adjustments before the ship9-8
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