SUPPLY PETTY OFFICER’S RECORDSEngineering department supply petty officers in thevarious work centers keep records of supplies requestedand received. These records are important sources ofinformation for the work center and for the entireengineering department. A little extra work at thebeginning can save a lot of work, confusion, andfrustration later. This is especially true when it preventsthe embarrassment of either wasting money on parts nolonger needed or of waiting a long time for needed partsonly to find out later that they were not properly ordered,or were ordered in insufficient quantity. Therefore, gooddepartmental supply petty officer records plus timelycoordination with the supply department can help ensureoperational readiness through the best use of supplyfunds. Figure 5-15 shows a sample of the proper entriesin the supply petty officer’s records, and the followinglist explains those entries based on numbers keyed to thesupply petty officer’s records.1. Requestdate: The Julian date on which the issuerequest is submitted (from block 1 of form1250). This block is not completed on form 12502.3.4.5.until it is actually turned in to the supplydepartment.Departmentnumber:The internal departmentalcontrol number for specific identification of theissue request, when wanted (from block 2 ofform 1250). You should use this block to providebetter document control and identification. It hasa ready serialized reference number for a quicklocation of a specific document in the supplypetty officer’s records.Nounname:The noun name or referencesymbol number of the requested item (fromblock 8 of form 1250). Use the sameterminology as on form 1250 to eliminateconfusion.Nationalitemidentificationnumber:The stocknumber (from block 22 of form 1250). Thisblock provides the only positive identification ofthe actual material requested.Unitofissue:The unit of issue (from block 24Figure 5-15.–Sample supply petty officer's record.5-26
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