The quantity required (from block 25of form 1250).Extended price: The extended price (unit pricetimes quantity) (from block 27 of form 1250).Work center: The work center code (from block14 of form 1250).Job sequence number (JSN): The job sequencenumber, with the work center code, identifies aspecific or nonspecific maintenance action(from block 15 of form 1250).Requisition number: The requisition number(Julian date and serial number) whenprocurement is required. This occurs wheneverthe requested material is NC or the quantityissued is less than the quantity requested. Therequisition number is obtained from block B ofthe pink copy of form 1250 returned to thedepartment head every 10 days with thedepartmental report. This requisition number isthe key identifier of the material procurementaction. Use it when you contact supply for statusor for any other reason regarding thismaterial-supply office procurement tiles arearranged in requisition number order.Requisition quantity: The requisition quantityshows the quantity of the material beingprocured by the ship. Take this data from blockA of the pink copy of form 1250. This allows thedepartment to perform a very important check.If the material was NC, the requisition quantityshould be equal to the quantity originallyrequested. If partial issue was made, therequisition quantity will normally be greaterthan the outstanding balance since the supplydepartment is replenishing its stock as well asmeeting the department’s outstanding demand.If the material is completely NIS, the requisitionquantity should be at least equal to the quantityrequested (it may occasionally be greaterbecause of losses by inventory, and so forth. Ifthe quantity issued (if any) plus the requisitionquantity is less than the quantity requested, thedepartment should check with the supplydepartment.12. Status/remarks: The work center should use thiscolumn for information that does not fit into theother columns.13. Quantity received: Use this column to show thequantity received as a result of this request.There may be only one entry (equal to theamount requested) if the total quantity wasissued from ship’s stock, or if the total quantitywas requisitioned and received by thedeportment at a later date. If supply sends apartial issue and requisitions the balance, recordthe partial issue quantity in the lower half of thespace and enter the remainder above it when youreceive it later.14. Date received: The date you received thematerial. This is the Julian date that the quantityin column 13 was received. Again, in the case ofa partial issue followed by a later issue, enter twodates for the two quantity entries in column 13.15. Completed: When the total quantity requested(column 6) equals the quantity received (totalentries in column 13 for that document), place acheck mark in column 15. This lets you see at aglance those issue requests that have and havenot been completed. Without this information,documents with no entries in blocks 13 and 14arc obviously still outstanding. Entries incolumns 13 and 14, however, do not neccessarilyindicate completion. The quantity received muststill be checked against the requested quantity todetermine if there was a partial issue. Thus, thesimple check mark in column 15 increases theeffectiveness of these records.5-27
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