The Predominant technicalmanual or plan number. Additional numbers areshown in item 8.Identification number: Nine-digit identifyingnumber assigned by SPCC to a particular itemor component of equipment. This number isshown at the top and the bottom of the page.Date:COSAL publication date.Page:Consecutive numbering of all pagesrequired to describe one equipment/componentthat is identified by a single APL number. Thisis shown at both the top and the bottom of thepage. APLs have the word END printed in thecenter of the page immediately following the lastline of data for that APL. This ensures that acomplete APL is available.Characteristics: Complete nameplate data onthe equipment/component named in item 1.Reference/symbol number: A number, otherthan an NSN, by which a part may be identified,arranged in alphanumeric sequence. It may bea manufacturer’s part, drawing, piece, or circuitsymbol number.Additional data area: When additional technicalmanuals or plans apply, they are listed in thisarea under an appropriate caption. These are inaddition to those listed in items 2 and 6.Item name: The name listing of repair partsand/or related accessory components for theequipment/component covered by the APL.Stock number: The FSN assigned to a specificrepair part. When an FSN has not been assigned,the reference number from item 7 is repeated.Accessory components applicable to a “parentequipment”: These are listed on the parent APL.Federal supply code for manufacturing (FSCM):This code lists the manufacturer of the part.Part militarv essentiality code (PART MEC):These are two codes. They are shown on the APLand the SNSL.1. Failure of the part would have a major effecton the operation of the component.2. Failure of the part would have little effect onthe operation of the component. code: Shows the availability of repairparts and the method of procurement. Thesecodes are defined in the introduction.Maintenance code: A three-digit code thatidentifies the maintenance activity authorized toreplace, repair, and condemn an item. Only thefirst digit is now used. These codes are definedin the introduction.Recoverability/condemnation code: Indicatesthe recoverability characteristics of itemsremoved during maintenance.Z - Repair PartD - Spare PartAllowance notes code: Provides necessary andimportant information about individual itemslisted on the APL. The introduction lists anddefines these codes.Quantity in one equipment/component: Thetotal population of the part within theequipment/component described by the APL.Unit of issue: The smallest quantity of a stockitem that can be issued.Allowance item code: Reserved for futureCOSAL use.On board allowance table: APLs published aspart of an allowance list for shipboard use willnot have quantities printed in these columns.Instead, SEE SNSL FOR ALLOW will beprinted. APLs received after the regular COSALwill have the quantities shown.Ship type and hull number: The specific ship forwhich the APL is published.Page:Consecutive page numbering from firstpage to last page of all APL pages contained inthe COSAL.Identification number: Same as item 3.Date:Same as item 4.Page:Same as item 5.LOWANCE EQUIPAGEAEL is similar in appearance tofollowing differences:LIST (AEL).– Thethe APL with the1. The APL provides maintenance and repairsupport for ship’s equipment, and the AEL providesallowances of equipage and supplies necessary tosupport the ship’s mission.5-10
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