within ship of the installed component.Servicenumber/valvemark/electricalsymbolnumber: Serial number identifies a specific unitof production. Valve mark/electrical symbolnumber identifies a specific valve or electricalcomponent used within a system when multipleapplications of the same component are presentwithin the same system.Federalsupplycodeformanufacturers:Identifies a specific manufacturer for anequipment/component.Shiptypeandhullnumber:The specific ship forwhich the COSAL is published.Date:COSAL publication date.Pageno.:Page number of index.ALLOWANCE PARTS LIST (APL) .– The APLis a technical document prepared for a specific item orcomponent of equipment. It lists descriptive data andcharacteristics of the equipment, repair parts, and othertechnical and supply management information. TheCOSAL binder should contain an APL for every item orcomponent of equipment on board the ship.Each APL is assigned a nine-digit identifyingnumber by SPCC. The first two digits identify theequipment/component category and are listed in anindex in the COSAL introduction. The APLs are filed innumerical sequence in part II of the COSAL.You may find an APL number containing a letter Pprefix. This indicates an incomplete APL. The body ofthe APL usually tells why it is incomplete and the actionbeing taken or required to complete it.An APL will not always cover a completeequipment; refer to the section B index (fig. 5-2). Thesecond entry is FEEDWATER SYSTEMS TESTINGEQUIPMENT. This is the name of a complete systemor equipment for the feedwater system test equipment.Column 2 lists the various feedwater test equipmentcomponents, each of which, in this case, has its own APLnumber. Therefore, the APL may cover a completeequipment or only one component of that equipment. Anexample of an APL page is shown in figure 5-4. Thedifferent data elements are numbered and refer to thenumbers in the following list.1. Equipment/component nomenclature/characteristics: Name of equipment orcomponent and brief description. Thiscorresponds to the index entries.Figure 5-4.-Example of an APL.5-9
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