the body of the buffer assembly has cleared the hammer,
you can withdraw the action spring from the lower
receiver (fig. 3-19, view B).
NOTE: The action spring is under pressure;
therefore, take care when you are removing it. Step 6
should be performed only when absolutely necessary for
care and cleaning.
Figure 3-20 shows the Ml6A1 service rifle
field-stripped after you complete the above steps.
To assemble the rifle, reverse the procedures of
1. Insert the end of the assembly spring into the
lower receiver extension; depress the cocked hammer to
allow passage of the buffer assembly; depress the buffer
retainer with the nose of a cartridge or the tip of the firing
pin; seat the buffer assembly; and then release the buffer
2. Assemble the bolt carrier group by grasping the
bolt and the extractor with the action spring. Seat the
extractor in the extractor recess; apply pressure on the
extractor to align the pinhole; and then insert the
extractor pin. Pickup the bolt carrier with the carrier key
up and to the front; insert the bolt into the front of the
bolt carrier, ensuring that the ejector is down and to the
left. Replace the cam pin into its well, and rotate the cam
pin 90 degrees (one-quarter turn) to align the holes for
Figure 3-19.--Removing the buffer assembly and action spring.
the firing pin in the bolt and the cam pin. Grasp the
lugged rim of the bolt, and turn it until the cam pin is
directly under the bolt carrier key. Insert the firing pin
Remove the extractor by first pushing the extractor
through the open end of the bolt carrier and seat it folly.
pin out with the firing pin. Then, while maintaining
Insert the firing pin retaining pin (if you encounter
pressure on the rear portion of the extractor with your
index finger, withdraw the firing pin from the extractor
pinhole. Release the pressure from the extractor and
remove. The extractor should be disassembled only
when necessary for cleaning. Disassembly of the
Do NOT attempt to spread the slotted end
extractor should be supervised. Since the extractor pin
of the firing pin retaining pin. Check for proper
is quite small, handle it with care to prevent loss or
assembly by elevating the front of the bolt. If
the firing pin drops out, the firing pin retaining
pin is not between the front and rear spool. The
NOTE: Do not remove the extractor spring from
bolt carrier group is improperly assembled.
the extractor. If the spring falls out of its recess, the
battalion armorer should replace it.
3. Grasp the upper receiver with the carrying
6. Push in on the buffer assembly, using the index
handle up. Place the charging handle into the groove in
finger of the left hand. With the nose of a cartridge or
the top of the upper receiver. The lugs on the charging
some similar object, push down on the buffer retainer
handle must be seated in their grooves in the receiver.
(fig. 3-19, view A). To remove the buffer assembly, press
Place the bolt carrier group into the open end of the
the hammer downward past the cocked position. After
receiver, ensuring that the bolt carrier key is in the slot