Figure 3-7.--Pulling the charging handle rearward.
Figure 3-5.--Selector lever pointing to SAFE.
Figure 3-8.--Locking the bolt open.
of the ejection port. The stock of the rifle is 5/8 inch
longer, making it more comfortable and easier to handle.
For economy in communication, the following
maintenance procedures (clearing, field-stripping,
assembling, etc.) for the M16 service rifles are written
for the right-handed Seabee. The left-handed Seabee can
reverse hand directions for these procedures if it
improves their efficiency.
Figure 3-6.--Removing the magazine.
An ejection port cover prevents sand and dirt from
The first precaution to take in handling any weapon
getting into the ejection port. It should be closed during
is to make it safe by clearing it. To clear the Ml 6 rifle,
periods when firing is NOT anticipated and will open by
place the butt against the right thigh and proceed as
either forward or rearward movement of the bolt carrier.
The M16A2E3 is an improvement over the M16A1 in
1. Attempt to point the selector lever toward SAFE,
the following ways:
the position shown in figure 3-5. If the weapon is not
cocked, the selector lever cannot be pointed toward
The barrel is 3 to 4 ounces heavier. The new
SAFE. If that is the case, do not cock the weapon at this
barrel spins the bullet one turn in 7 inches, compared to
time; instead, go on to the next step in clearing.
one turn in 12 inches by the M16A1.
2. Remove the magazine, as shown in figure 3-6.
The M16A2E3 has a maximum effective range of
Grasp it with the right hand (fingers curled around the
800 meters, compared to 500 meters for the M16A1.
front of the magazine, thumb placed on the magazine
catch button). Apply pressure on the magazine catch
The front sight post is now square instead of
button with the thumb, and pull the magazine straight
round, making it easier to see.
out of the weapon.
Left-handed shooters have some protection from
3. Lock the bolt open, as shown in figures 3-7 and
3-8. Grasp the charging handle with the thumb and
injury with a built-in brass deflector located at the rear