Figure 3-20.--The M16A1 service rifle field-stripped.
transfer from hammer hooks and disconnect to the
on the underside of the charging handle and the bolt is
forward in the unlock position. Push forward on the bolt
hammer and sear engagement.
carrier group and charging handle until it is fully seated.
c. AUTO position. Pull the trigger; the hammer
4. Place the upper receiver group and lower
should fall. Hold the trigger to the rear, and recock the
receiver group together, and reseat the receiver pivot
hammer. The hammer is now under the automatic sear.
Still holding the trigger to the rear, push forward on the
5. With the hammer cocked and the selector lever
automatic sear. The hammer should frill. Still holding
on SAFE, close the weapon and seat the takedown pin.
the trigger to the rear, recock the hammer, release the
6. Replace the handguards, and be sure that the slip
trigger, and push forward on the automatic sear. The
ring is fully seated on the lower lip of both sections of
hammer should transfer to the sear engagement. Move
the handguards. Take care to prevent damage to the
the selector lever to SAFE or SEMI position. Close the
upper and lower lips and to ensure proper seating.
receivers and engage the takedown pin.
7. A complete fictional check of the rifle consists
of checking the operation of the weapon while the
selector is in the SAFE, SEMI, and AUTO positions.
Use the following sequence for a rapid, complete check.
If the selector lever is not moved to the
You may use any portion of the check alone to determine
SAFE or SEMI position before you close the
the operational condition of any specific fire selection.
receivers, you can damage the automatic sear.
a. SAFE position. Pull the trigger; the hammer
d. SEMI position. Pull the charging handle to
should not fall.
the rear. Make certain the chamber is clear; then release
b. SEMI position. Pull the trigger; the hammer
the charging handle. Pull the trigger. The hammer should
should fall. Hold the trigger to the rear, recock the
hammer, and release the trigger. The hammer should