Figure 3-13.--Removing bolt carrier from receiver.
Figure 3-16.--Removing the firing pin.
Figure 3-14.--Removing the charging handle.
Figure 3-17.--Removing the cam pin.
Figure 3-15.--Pressing out the firing pin retaining pin with the
tip of a cartridge.
4. Pickup the upper receiver group, keeping the
muzzle to the left. Grasp the charging handle; press in
on the latch and pull it to the rear (fig. 3-7) to remove
the bolt carrier from the receiver. Grasp the bolt carrier
and pull it from the receiver (fig. 3-13). When the bolt
carrier is removed, the charging handle frills free of its
groove in the receiver (fig. 3-14). Place the receiver on
the table.
5. Press out the firing pin retaining pin (fig. 3-15)
Figure 3-18.--Removing the bolt from the bolt carrier.
to disassemble the bolt carrier group. Elevate the front
lifting it out of the well in the bolt and bolt carrier (fig.
of the bolt carrier, and allow the firing pinto drop from
its well in the bolt (fig. 3-16). Rotate the bolt until the
3-17). After the cam pin is removed, the bolt can be
cam pin is clear of the bolt carrier key. Remove the cam
easily removed from its recess in the bolt carrier (fig.
pin by rotating it 90 degrees (one-quarter turn) and