Figure 5-27.--A method of holding the compass.
Figure 5-28.--A method of determining the azimuth of a visible
features are those that have length. Good examples are
helmet of the user; but it is less precise than the method
roads, railroads, fence lines, power lines, and so forth.
just described.
By aligning the features on the map with the features on
the ground, you can orient the map.
To learn the second method, study the following
The lensatic compass must always be held level and
firm when you are sighting on an objective and reading
1. Open the cover until it forms a straightedge with
an azimuth (a horizontal angle measured in a clockwise
the compass base, as shown in figure 5-26.
reamer from a north base line). There are several
2. Pull the eyepiece as far to the rear as possible,
techniques for holding the compass and sighting, but we
perpendicular to the compass base.
will discuss only two methods.
3. Place your thumb through the thumb loop,
To sight an objective and read an azimuth with the
forming a steady base with your third and fourth fingers,
first method, use the following steps:
and extend your index finger along the side of the
1. Open the cover of the compass so it forms a right
angle with the compass. Move the eyepiece so the
4. Extend the other index finger along the
compass dial is visible through the lens, as shown in
remaining side of the compass and place the remaining
figure 5-27.
fingers around the fingers of the other hand.
2. Align the slot in the eyepiece with the hairline
5. Pull your elbows firmly into your sides. This
sighting wire in the cover and with the target.
places the compass between your chin and your belt.
3. Read the azimuth by glancing down at the dial
6. To take an azimuth reading, simply turn your
through the lens.
entire body toward the object, pointing the compass
cover directly at the object. (See fig. 5-28.)
This technique provides a reading precise enough to
use for "Intersection" and "Resection" (discussed later
7. Then just look down and read the azimuth from
in this chapter).
beneath the fixed, black index line.
The second method has an advantage because it
For night use, special features of the compass are
keeps the compass lower and farther away from the steel
the luminous markings and the 3 bezel serration and