ORGANIC-- Assigned to and forming an essential part
MAXIMUM ORDINATE-- The highest point of
of a military organization.
ORIGINATOR-- The command by whose authority a
message is sent.
means by which a message is conveyed from one
person or place to another.
OUTGUARD-- The principal security element of a
combat outpost.
MESSAGE-- Any thought or idea expressed in brief
form or in plain or secret language; prepared in a
OUTPOST-- A stationary body of troops placed at some
form suitable for transmission by any means of
distance from the main body while at a halt or in a
defensive position. These troops protect the main
body from surprise, observation, or annoyance by
MILITARY CREST-- The highest point near the top of
enemy ground forces.
a slope from which the entire valley below is
through the forward edge of the outpost positions
MISSION-- The specific task or duty assigned to an
and designed to coordinate the fires of the elements
individual, weapon, or unit.
of the outpost and its supporting fires.
MOUNT-- The stand on which a weapon is secured to
OVERHEAD FIRE-- Fire delivered over the heads of
hold it in position for rapid fire. A mount is either
friendly troops.
fixed (immovable) or flexible (movable). A flexible
OVERLAY-- A transparent or translucent medium upon
mount permits the weapon to move in azimuth and
which special military information has been plotted
at the same scale of a map, photograph, or other
MUZZLE-- The front or forward end of the barrel; the
mouth of the barrel.
PACE-- The length of a full step in quick time; 30 inches.
MUZZLE VELOCITY-- The speed at which a bullet
PARTISAN-- A devoted adherent to a cause generally
travels when it leaves the muzzle of the barrel.
nationalistic in nature; the adherent mayor may not
NAVAL LANDING PARTY-- A force of naval
be an armed combatant and is not normally a
personnel organized from a ship's complement for
member of an organized military force.
the conduct of ground-force operations ashore.
PASSAGE OF LINES-- A rearrangement of units in
OBJECTIVE-- The physical object of the action taken
which the rear unit moves forward through the
or the effect desired.
already established line, while the replaced unit
remains in position or moves to the rear.
OBLIQUE FIRE-- Fire delivered from a direction that
is diagonal to the long axis of the target; or fire
PATROL-- A detachment sent out by a larger unit for the
delivered on an enemy from a direction that is
purpose of gathering information or carrying out a
destructive, harassing, mop up, or security mission.
between his front and flank.
PA-- A part of the feeding device on a machine gun
OBSERVATION POST (OP)-- A vantage point from
that permits feeding of the ammunition belt into the
which enemy activity in front of the FEBA is
weapon; it holds the belt securely so it does not
move in reverse direction.
OBSTACLE-- Any barrier-natural or artificial-that
PENETRATION-- An attack that puts the main
stops or impedes the movement of a unit.
attacking force through the enemy's principal
OPERATION PLAN OR ORDER-- A combat plan or
defensive position.
order dealing with tactical operations and setting
PHASE LINE-- A line used for control and coordination
forth the mission of the unit; it deals with the
of military operations; it is usually a terrain feature
commander's decision, plan of action, and such
extending across the zone of action.
details as to the method of execution as will ensure
coordinated action by the whole command.
PIECE-- Any firearm.
OPTICAL SIGHT-- A sight having lenses as contrasted
PLUNGING FIRE-- Fire that strikes the ground at a
with one having an aperture or open sight.
sharp angle.