battalion command wishes the company
HEADSPACE-- In small-arms weapons, the distance
commanders to coordinate their defense.
between the face of the bolt and the base of the
cartridge when it is fully chambered and the bolt is
LINE-- A formation in which the elements are abreast,
except that a section or platoon is in line one behind
the other when its squads are in line.
H-HOUR-- The hour an attack is to be launched, an
assault wave is to land, or a movement is to begin.
LINE OF DEPARTURE-- A line designated to
coordinate the departure of attack elements.
INDIRECT FIRE-- Fire delivered at a target that cannot
be seen from the gun position.
LISTENING POST-- A one- or two-man post located
forward of the battle position for the purpose of
INFILTRATE-- To pass troops in relatively small
listening for enemy activity.
numbers through an opening in the enemy's position
or his field of fire or through territory occupied by
LOADING-- The manual procedure of inserting a
magazine, clip, belt, or single round into a weapon
other troops or organizations.
or its feeding mechanism and the subsequent action
INITIAL POINT-- A place at which various
for feeding, cambering, or cocking; the physical
subdivisions of a command are required to arrive at
placing of personnel, equipment, or supplies aboard
the proper time to join a marching column.
their carriers.
INSURGENCY-- Subversive political activity, civil
LOCAL SECURITY-- A security element, independent
rebellion, revolt, or insurrection designed to weaken
of any outpost, established by a commander to
and overthrow a duly constituted authority by its
protect his unit against surprise and to ensure its
own people.
readiness for action.
INSURRECTION-- A rising up against an established
authority by its own people.
cam into recesses cut in the sides of the receiver to
lock a weapon before firing.
electrical energy that causes difficulty in reception
LOCKING RECESSES-- Spaces cut in the side of the
of radio signals.
receiver into which the locking lugs of the bolt are
rotated into locking position.
INTERVAL-- The lateral space between elements on the
same line.
MACHINE GUN-- An automatic, rapid-fire weapon
that is fired from a mount.
prevent reception of radio signals in a specific
MAGAZINE-- A device that stores and supplies
its own spring and follower.
prove decisive in combat.
MAIN ATTACK-- The part of an attack where the
commander concentrates the greater portion of
LANDS-- The spiral raised surface in the bore of a
offensive power.
LEAF SIGHT-- A type of metallic sight in which the
along the forward edge of the battle position
aperture is raised to operating position by being
designed to coordinate the fires of all units and
swung upward on a hinged leaf.
supporting weapons.
LEFT (RIGHT) FLANK-- The extreme left (right)
MALFUNCTION-- The failure of a weapon to function
element or edge of a body of troops in relation to the
enemy, regardless of the direction in which the body
MARCH OUTPOST-- A security echelon established
of troops is facing.
by a unit on a march during short halts.
LIMITING POINT-- The point along a line of
MARK-- Call for fire on a specified location to orient the
resistance where the responsibility of one unit stops
spotter or observer or to indicate targets.
and that of another begins. Limiting points are
MASK-- A natural or artificial obstruction that gives
indicate specific localities on the ground where the
shelter form or interferes with observation or fire.