RAID-- An operation, usually small scale, involving a
POINT-- The security element that forms the leading
element of an advance guard or the rear element of
swift penetration of hostile territory to secure
an advance guard or the rear element of the rear
information, confuse the enemy, or destroy his
installations. The operation ends with a planned
withdrawal upon completion of the assigned
POINT OF DEPARTURE-- The point on the line of
departure at which an attacking force in column
RANK-- A line of men or vehicles placed side by side;
officer's grade or position.
POINT OF DRESS-- The point toward which all
elements of a unit establish their alignment.
REAR-- The direction away from the enemy.
POLITICAL WARFARE-- Aggressive use of political
REAR AREA-- The area in the rear of the combat and
means to achieve national objectives.
forward areas.
POSITION-- The location of a gun, unit, or individual
REAR GUARD-- The security element that follows and
from which fire can be delivered upon a given
protects the rear of a marching force.
POST-- The prescribed limits of a sentry's respon-
the authority or government in power.
PREARRANGED FIRE-- Supporting fire for which
mission is to gain information about the enemy and
the fire data is prepared in advance. It is delivered
the terrain.
on a time schedule or on call from the support
REGISTRATION-- The adjustment of fire to determine
firing corrections.
RELAY-- A transmission forwarded through an
specific direction within the sector of fire of a
intermediate station.
flat-trajectory weapon, which is designated as its
primary fire mission. Within a rifle platoon,
RELEASE POINT-- A point at which a higher
automatic weapons are assigned a PDF. Units are
command releases control of a unit to its
not assigned PDFs nor can a weapon be assigned
more than one PDF.
of units in which the rear unit moves forward to the
location on the ground where the commander of a
battle position and occupies the defensive positions
force plans to complete final deployment before
there; at the same time the forward unit in the battle
moving out with squads as skirmishers.
position relinquishes these positions and moves to
PROPAGANDA-- Any information, ideas, doctrines, or
the rear.
special appeals spread to influence the opinions,
REPEAT-- A command or request to fire again the same
emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any specified
number of rounds with the same method of fire.
group to benefit the sponsor, either directly or
RESERVE-- An element of the battalion or higher unit
held initially under the control of the commander as
PROPELLING CHARGE-- An explosive that throws
a maneuvering element to influence future action.
the projectile from a gun.
RESERVE AREA-- The area that extends from the rear
PROTECTIVE FIRE-- Fire delivered by supporting
of the forward defense area to the rear of the battle
weapons and directed against the enemy for the
area. The RESERVE FORCE is located in the
purpose of hindering his fire or movement against
reserve area.
friendly attacking units.
RETIREMENT-- An operation in which a force
QUICK TIME-- Cadence at 120 steps (12, 15, or 30
withdraws without enemy pressure to avoid combat
inches in length) per minute.
under the existing situation.
RADIO CHANNEL-- A band of adjacent frequencies
having sufficient width to permit its use for radio
RETROGRADE MOVEMENT-- Any movement of a
command to the rear, or away from the enemy,