Ensure that all personnel are certified and
Fo r b i d m a j o r r e p a i r s o r c h a n g e s t o a ny
qualified to perform the job assigned to them and
magazine, machines, or equipment in operating
that their certification is current. You must report
and magazine areas containing hazardous
promptly to your immediate supervisor all
m a t e r i a l s , ex c e p t a c c o r d i n g t o s p e c i fi c
personnel who, in your opinion, are not qualified
instructions approved by the commanding
to perform their assigned tasks. This includes
officer. As the supervisor, you must enforce
any person engaged in operations involving the
safety standards in magazines under repair in
your area.
suspected or known to be color blind.
Ascertain, before leaving at the close of work,
Investigate, or assist in the investigation of, all
that all conditions in the operating and magazine
accidents involving operations, equipment, or
area under your control comply with orders
personnel under your supervision and report, or
relating to operation shutdown. When an
assist in the preparation of the investigation
operation is not relieved by an oncoming shift,
results for submission to higher authority.
you must make certain that windows and doors
are closed and properly locked and that all
Identify all persons entering or approaching the
master power and light switches outside
work area under your responsibility and
buildings and magazines are turned off. When an
determine their authority to enter and/or remain
oncoming shift relieves an operation or when a
in the area. You must exercise your authority to
supervisor is relieved for any other reason, the
eject any person whose presence and/or actions,
off-going supervisor must make a complete
in your opinion, are detrimental to safety.
report to the relief of any situation that requires
Enforce orders relating to the maximum number
immediate attention or that should be kept under
of persons permitted in the area. When the total
number of persons (including operators,
Enforce observation of the safety regulations
supervisors, inspectors, and transients) exceeds
concerning personnel protective clothing and
the number permitted in the magazine, magazine
equipment. You must make sure that protective
area, or work area, you are required to cease
materials (such as goggles, gloves, gauntlets,
operations and to inform the personnel not
respirators, aprons, helmets, safety uniforms,
regularly employed in the area of the excess
safety shoes, and other implements, accessories,
number. If such notice is not effective in
and appliances required for the safe performance
reducing the number of persons to the number
of the work) are inspected, maintained, and/or
permitted, you must suspend operations and
replaced, as necessary.
promptly notify the appropriate authority. You
Be constantly alert for areas where lights,
must also cease operations when the amount of
guards, or safety appliances are needed or where
until such time that the excess amount is
repairs are required, and all areas where sprays,
showers, shelters, and exits or passageways
should be accessible.
Permit the use of only authorized tools and
Report in writing to your commanding officer or
handling equipment for the operations in the
manner prescribed by standard operating
officer in charge any requests, suggestions, or
procedures. As the supervisor, you must require
comments you may have about safety standards.
that tools and handling equipment be properly
Alert your immediate supervisor of the need for
stored in designated locations when not in use.
explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) personnel to
When a tool is lost or misplaced in an operating
area or magazine, you must stop operations until
the work area.
the tool is found.
Maintain cleanliness in the operational area,
Technician Responsibilities
building, magazine, or magazine area. You must
maintain all safeguards and prevent blocking of
Te c h n i c i a n s , o r o p e r a t i n g p e r s o n n e l , a r e
safety exits, aisles, and access to fire-fighting
responsible for reading, understanding, and strictly
observing all safety standards, requirements, and