Loading and unloading techniques within
ammunition and explosives. As previously mentioned,
safety is always the primary factor in any operation.
You, as the supervisor, must be constantly alert for, and
eliminate, potential hazards that may exist in your
Selecting and properly using materials-handling
work area.
As a supervisor, you have no authority to waive or
Using protective equipment and protective
alter safety regulations; nor may you permit violations
clothing properly
of these regulations by other personnel. When the
Operating fire-fighting equipment properly,
words shall, will, and must are used with ordnance
knowing its availability and use, and knowing
regulations or requirements, they mean mandatory,
the procedures for reporting fires
unless exempted by the Chief of Naval Operations
Knowing the procedures for detecting faulty
(CNO) according to the provisions in Waivers of
Exemption from Explosives Safety Requirements and
ammunition and explosives
Policies and Procedures for Requesting, OPNAVISNT
Identifying ammunition and explosives by
8020.14. When the words may and should are used
container markings and color codings
with ordnance regulations or requirements, they mean
Recognizing special hazardous characteristics
the requirements shall be followed unless exceptions
of current inservice items as well as new items
are authorized by the commanding officer of the shore
Knowing the proper handling procedures and
storage arrangements for the ammunition and
According to NAVSEA OP 5, a supervisor
i nv o l v e d w i t h a m m u n i t i o n a n d e x p l o s iv e s i s
responsible for complying with all regulations. To
Checking and observing placards or signs posted
accomplish this requirement, you, the supervisor, must
take the following actions:
Enforcing procedures for magazine security
Explain to all personnel under your immediate
supervision the standard safety regulations,
Commanding Officer Responsibilities
industrial hygiene safeguards, and precautions
t h a t m u s t b e f o l l ow e d ; a n d e n f o r c e t h e
The commanding officer is solely responsible for
observance of all safety regulations by each
the safe handling, the transportation, and the storage of
person. Furthermore, you must explain the
explosives of the activity and must exert the same
characteristics of the ammunition, explosives,
active, aggressive leadership in safety that is exerted in
and other hazardous materials involved; the
all aspects of the command. The commanding officer
selection, use, and care of handling
also must ensure that all personnel who perform or
equipment--protective equipment as well as
supervise explosive operations are qualified and
process equipment; and the hazards of fire,
certified to perform their jobs and that personnel from
explosion, and other catastrophes that the safety
other agencies (civilian contractors or other armed
regulations and industrial hygiene requirements
s e r v i c e s ) m a n a g e t h e i r a c t iv i t i e s a c c o r d i n g t o
are intended to eliminate or reduce.
established safety rules. The commanding officer is
never excused for poor judgment, carelessness, and/or
Instruct and train each person under your
failure of subordinate personnel to follow safety
immediate supervision in the tasks that they are
to perform. Instructions may be given directly or
through experienced operators until you are
Supervisor Responsibilities
satisfied that the person is capable of performing
Supervisors must be thoroughly familiar with the
the work safely. Instructions must include
information concerning magazine location,
A s h o re , R eg u l a t i o n s Fo r H a n d l i n g , S t o r i n g ,
identification, location and use of bombproof
Production, Renovation and Shipping, NAVSEA OP 5,
shelters, first-aid kits, fire-fighting apparatus,
volume 1, and other pertinent publications and
guards, personal protective equipment, showers,
d i r e c t iv e s c o n c e r n i n g o p e r a t i o n s i nvo l v i n g
plunges, and neutralizing solutions.