5-53.In interior trim, which of thefollowing items is/are considered tobe the most prominent?1.Inside door casing only2.Window casing only3.Inside door and window casings4.Doorframes5-54.In the building construction trade,which of the following items areconsidered to be hardware?1.Sliding door supports2.Fastenings for screens3.Strike plates4.All of the above5-55.Of the following materials, whichare considered to be finishinghardware?1.Fastenings for screens2.Sliding door supports3.Folding door supports4.Automatic exit devices5-56.Which of the following materialsis/are considered to be roughhardware?1.Special window hardware2.Strike plates3.Push plates4.Escutcheon plates5-57.Nails are classified according towhat factor(s)?1.Use and form2.Length and thickness3.Composition4.Holding power5-58.What type of nail is made from finerwire and has a smaller head than thecommon nail?1.Box2.Finishing3.Plasterboard4.Roofing5-59.What type of nail has two functions:maximum holding power andeasy withdrawal?1.Roofing2.Finishing3.Box4.Duplex5-60.5-61.5-62.5-63.5-64.5-65.5-66.Which of the followingcharacteristics should be includedin a description of a roofing nail?1.Round shafted, galvanized, shortbody, large head2.Square shafted, galvanizedsteel, long body, medium-sizedhead3.Specially hardened steel,noncorrosive4.Triangular shafted,nongalvanizedThe body of what type of nail isusually grooved or spiraled?1.Plasterboard2.Concrete3.Masonry4.RoofingWhen used to describe the length ofwire nails, a penny is indicated bywhat symbol?1. a2. b3. c4. dThe thickness of a wire nailis expressed by what designation(s)?1.Number only2.Letter only3.Both number and letter4.SizeWhat type of a nail is longer than 6inches?1.Roofing2.Spike3.Concrete4.PlasterboardWood screws are designated accordingto what factors?1.Type of head and material2.Length and thickness3.Type of thread4.Body diameterWhen ordinary wood screws are tooshort or too light or where spikesdo NOT hold securely, what type ofscrew should be used?1.Lag bolt2.Special purpose3.General purpose4.Thread-cutting35
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