is better than a plain round or square one. In fact, whenplain bars of a given diameter are used instead ofdeformed bars, approximately 40 percent more plainbars must be used.The adherence of the concrete depends on theroughness of the steel surface: the rougher the steel, thebetter the adherence. Thus, steel with alight, firm layerof rust is superior to clean steel, but steel with loose orscaly rust is inferior.Loose or scaly rust may beremoved from the steel by rubbing the steel with burlap.The requirements for reinforcing steel are that it bestrong in tension and, at the same time, ductile enoughto be shaped or bent cold.Reinforcing steel may be used in the form of barsor rods that are either PLAIN or DEFORMED or in theform of expanded metal, wire, wire fabric, or sheetmetal. Each type is useful for a different purpose, andengineers design structures with these purposes inmind.Plain reinforcing bars are usually round in crosssection. They are used as main tension reinforcementfor concrete structures. They are the least used of therod type of reinforcement because they offer onlysmooth, even surfaces for the adherence of concrete.Reinforcing bars or rods are commonly referred to asrebars.Deformed bars are like the plain bars except thatthey have either indentations in them or ridges on them,or both, in a regular pattern. The twisted bar, forexample, is made by twisting a plain square bar cold.The spiral ridges along the surface of the deformed barincrease its bond strength with concrete. Other formsused are the round- and square-corrugate d bars. Thesebars are formed with projections around the surface thatextend into the surrounding concrete and preventslippage. Another type is formed with longitudinal finsprojecting from the surface to prevent twisting. Figure7-10 shows a few of the various types of deformed barsavailable. In the United States, deformed bars are usedalmost exclusively, while in Europe, both deformed andplain bars are used.There are 11 standard sizes of reinforcing bars.Table 7-1 lists the bar numbers, weight, and nominaldiameters of the 11 standard sizes. Bars No. 3 throughNo. 18, inclusive, are deformed bars. Remember thatbar numbers are based on the nearest number of 1/8 in.(3. 175 mm) included in the nominal diameter of the bar.To measure rebar, you must measure across theroundsquare portion where there is no deformation.Table 7-1.-Standard Reinforcing BarsThe raised portion of the deformation is not consideredin measuring the rebar diameter.BENDS.— Frequently, it is required thatreinforcing bars be bent into various shapes. There areseveral reasons for this. First, let us go back to thereason for using reinforcing steel in concrete—toincrease the tensile and compressive strength ofconcrete. You might compare the hidden action withinabeam from live and dead loads to breaking a stick overyour knee. You have seen how the splinters next to yourknee push toward the middle of the stick when youapply force, while the splinters from the middle to theopposite side pull away from the middle. This is similarto what happens inside the beam.For instance, take a simple beam (a beamresting freely on two supports near its ends). Thedead load (weight of the beam) causes the beam tobend or sag. Now, from the center of the beam tothe bottom, the forces tend to stretch or7-7
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