the studs to the sill is called SILL ASSEMBLY.
The BOX-SILL assembly shown in figure 6-11 is
the type most frequently used in platform-frame
construction. In this type, the ends of the
joists are framed against a header-joist, which
is set flush with the outer edge of the sill. The
construction method for a sill assembly in which
brick veneer is used as exterior siding (fig. 6-12)
is similar to the box-sill assembly except that the
sill is set in the foundation wall to allow
enough space for the brick to rest directly on the
Balloon-frame construction uses the T-SILL
(fig. 6-13) and EASTERN (fig. 6-14) assemblies.
Here, the studs are anchored on the sill and are
continuous; that is, in one piece from sill to roof
Figure 6-13-T-sill assembly.
Figure 6-14.-Eastern sill assembly.