Figure 10-12.-Development of a floor plan.for easy readability. Smaller scales, such asbuilding has been constructed, a cutting plane isused and cuts through the structure passingthrough the plane WXYZ (view A) and that theupper portion has been removed (view B). Youwould then be able to look down on the floorfrom above, and the drawing of what you seewould be the floor plan (view C).Figure 10-13 shows a floor plan of a concrete-masonry construction. It gives the lengths,thicknesses, and character of the outside walls andpartitions at the particular floor level. It alsoshows the dimensions and arrangement of therooms, the widths and locations of the doors andwindows, and the locations and character of therest rooms and other utility features. Study figure10-13 carefully!DRAWING A FLOOR PLAN.— Proper scaleselection and sheet layout should be done toachieve the best results on the drawing. Beforedoing the actual drawing, you should draw uppreliminary sketches to include the approximatesize of the building, room dimensions, wallthicknesses, corridor widths, and so forth. Ideally,a scale of 1/4 in. = 1 ft should be used3/16 in. = 1 ft and 1/8 in. = 1 ft, are sometimesused for large buildings and in cases in which thesize of the sheet is limited.After you have selected the proper scale andsheet layout, you should follow the proceduresoutlined below.1. Lay out construction lines (after taping thesheet to the drafting board surface) for borders,title block, and exterior limits of the building atany one side. Lay out the rooms and walls fromleft to right, with the exterior wall thicknessbeing drawn first. Since the wall thickness varieswith the materials used, it is impossible toaccurately draw actual dimensions of eachmaterial selected. An EA would use a “nominal”wall thickness dimension of 6 in. for a wall frameexterior wall that has no brick or stone veneer.In a wall, a VENEER is a thin covering ofmaterial, such as brick, placed over a backingmaterial of wood frame or block. Nominal wallthicknesses found in the Architectural GraphicsStandards (AGS) should be used as a guide.Lay out the interior walls across the building,10-15
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