Figure 10-12.-Development of a floor plan.
for easy readability. Smaller scales, such as
building has been constructed, a cutting plane is
used and cuts through the structure passing
through the plane WXYZ (view A) and that the
upper portion has been removed (view B). You
would then be able to look down on the floor
from above, and the drawing of what you see
would be the floor plan (view C).
Figure 10-13 shows a floor plan of a concrete-
masonry construction. It gives the lengths,
thicknesses, and character of the outside walls and
partitions at the particular floor level. It also
shows the dimensions and arrangement of the
rooms, the widths and locations of the doors and
windows, and the locations and character of the
rest rooms and other utility features. Study figure
10-13 carefully!
selection and sheet layout should be done to
achieve the best results on the drawing. Before
doing the actual drawing, you should draw up
preliminary sketches to include the approximate
size of the building, room dimensions, wall
thicknesses, corridor widths, and so forth. Ideally,
a scale of 1/4 in. = 1 ft should be used
3/16 in. = 1 ft and 1/8 in. = 1 ft, are sometimes
used for large buildings and in cases in which the
size of the sheet is limited.
After you have selected the proper scale and
sheet layout, you should follow the procedures
outlined below.
1. Lay out construction lines (after taping the
sheet to the drafting board surface) for borders,
title block, and exterior limits of the building at
any one side. Lay out the rooms and walls from
left to right, with the exterior wall thickness
being drawn first. Since the wall thickness varies
with the materials used, it is impossible to
accurately draw actual dimensions of each
material selected. An EA would use a nominal
wall thickness dimension of 6 in. for a wall frame
exterior wall that has no brick or stone veneer.
In a wall, a VENEER is a thin covering of
material, such as brick, placed over a backing
material of wood frame or block. Nominal wall
thicknesses found in the Architectural Graphics
Standards (AGS) should be used as a guide.
Lay out the interior walls across the building,