Figure 14-27.-Three-level section in fill.Figure 14-28.-Sidehlll section.lines and with lighter lines into 1/10-in. squares,Cross-section paper is commonly called 10- x 10-in,paper.Plot each cross section separately; and beloweach plot, show the station number. Place thefirst cross section at the top of a sheet andcontinue downward until you plot all thesections. Two or more sections may be plottedon the same sheet. In a major highwayproject, plot cross sections on a continuousroll of cross-section paper. Some surveyorsprefer to plot the cross sections from thebottom to the top of the paper. They may alsoprefer to record cross-section notes in the samemanner. If you follow these methods of plottingand recording, you are properly oriented with theactual direction of the highway; that is, your leftis also towards the left of the highway; it is alsoto the left of the cross-section notes and theplotted cross section. Really, it doesn’t matterwhich method you follow as long as you areproperly oriented to the direction of the highwayat all times.Unlike profile plotting, in cross-sectionplotting, the same scale is often used for both thevertical and the horizontal distance. Commonscales are 1 in. = 5 ft and 1 in. = 10 ft. Whensections are shallow, it is best to exaggerate thevertical scale, making it from two to ten times thehorizontal scale.For the center line for a row of sections, useone of the heavier vertical lines on the paper farenough away from the margin so that no pointsplotted will run outside the limits of the paper.Note the depths indicated for the first section tobe plotted, and select a horizontal line for the base14-31
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