remarks side, the upper numbers with theappropriate letter symbols (C for cut, F for fill)are the cuts or fills; the lower numbers are thedistances out from the center. These valuesindicate points at which the slope stakes aredriven. If a five-level or irregular section is beingrecorded, the other points must be written betweenthose for the center and for the slope stakes.These field notes given you the coordinatesthat you can use to plot sections, as shown infigure 14-30. In that figure for purposes ofclarity, only the lines at every 1/4-in. interval areshown. The scale, both horizontal and vertical,is 1 in. = 10 ft; therefore, the interval betweeneach pair of lines represents 2.5 ft.The highway is to be 40 ft wide; therefore, theedge of the pavement for each plotted section willbe 8 squares (8 x 2.5 = 20) on either side of thecenter line. Figure 14-30 shows that, for station305, the left-hand slope stake is located 29.8 ftfrom the center line and 8.2 ft above grade. Theright-hand slope stake is located 35.3 ft from thecenter line and 12.3 ft above grade. Note how thelocations of these stakes can be plotted after youhave selected an appropriate horizontal line forthe grade line and how the side slopes can thenbe drawn.The ground line at the center line is 9.3 feetabove grade. Plot a point here, and then finishthe plot of the section by drawing lines from thecenter-line point to the two slope stake points.Plot a five-level section in exactly the sameway, except that you plot in additional groundpoints between the center line and the slope stakes.Layout/Stakeout ProceduresThe design-data survey is followed by theconstruction survey that consists broadly of theLAYOUT or STAKEOUT survey and the AS-BUILT survey, which will be discussed later inthis chapter. In a layout survey, both horizontaland vertical control points are located and marked(that is, staked out) to guide the constructioncrews. Figure 14-31 identifies various stakes andhubs used in highway or road construction andtheir typical arrangement. The functions of thevarious stakes and hubs are described briefly asfollows:1. CENTER-LINE STAKES indicate theexact center of the roadway construction.2. SHOULDER STAKES are used to indicatethe inside edge of the roadway shoulders. Thesestakes are set opposite each center-line stake.3. REFERENCE HUBS, as the name implies,are used to reference other stakes or to aid inestablishing or reestablishing other stakes.4. SLOPE STAKES mark the intersection ofside slopes with the natural ground surface. Theyindicate the earthwork limits on each side of thecenter line.5. RIGHT-OF-WAY STAKES indicate thelegal right of passage and outmost bounds ofconstruction.6. GRADE STAKES indicate required gradeelevations to the construction crews. During thefinal grading stage of construction, hubs called“blue tops” are used in lieu of stakes. The blueFigure 14-31 .-Typical arrangement of various hubs and stakes on a road section (final grading).14-34
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