2-33.In distribution drawings, whatelement of a pole schedule keys theschedule to the plan?1.Identification number2.Pole classification3.Drawing symbol4.Pole location2-34.When using the as-builtconstruction drawings of a largeNavy building, in what division ofthe drawings should you look tofind the size, type, and voltage ofthe service laterals leading to thebuilding?1.Civil2.Architectural3.Mechanical4.Electrical2-35.For the construction of areinforced concrete transformervault, which of the followinginformation would more likely befound in the constructionspecifications, rather than theconstruction drawings?1.Dimensions of the vault2.Capacity of the transformers tobe housed in the vault3.Slump and strength requirementsfor the concrete4.Size and spacing of thereinforcing steelLearning Objective: Identifydifferent types of water sourcesand describe the factors consideredwhen selecting a water source fordevelopment.2-36.In general, the earth’s most commonsource for supplying water isclassified as1.surface water2.subsurface water3.groundwater4.rainwater2-37.The term “water table” refers tothe1.upper level of groundwatercollected over an imperviousstratum2.lower level of groundwatercollected over an imperviouslayer of earth3.distance from the groundsurface to the upper level ofgroundwater collected over animpervious stratum4.distance from the groundsurface to the lower level ofgroundwater collected over animpervious layer of earth2-38.Which of the following factors hasthe greatest influence on the watertable in any given geographicregion?1.Rainfall2.Surface runoff3.Soil permeability4.Subsurface geology2-39.On Navy or Marine Corpsinstallations, what is the mostcommon source of potable water?1.Artesian wells and springs2.Public reservoirs3.Catchment basins4.Natural lakes and streams2-40.A water source that suppliessufficient water for unlimited timeis said to be1.plentiful2.potable3.reliable4.palatable2-41.The two most important factors thatinfluence water quantity within agiven area are1.geology and rainfall2.availability and demand3.population growth and climate4.topography and geology12
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