10-8.When property is transferred, whatlaws must be followed when thedescription and plan are recorded?1.Federal2.State3.County4.City10-9.In preparing a metes-and-boundsdescription, you may add thebearings of the boundary linesfor retracing the lines to whichof the following measurements?1.Azimuths2.Back azimuths3.Exterior angles4.Interior angles10-10.What agency publishes manualsthat provide regulations on thesubdivision of public lands?1.Bureau of Public Highways2.Bureau of Land Management3.U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey4.Naval Facilities EngineeringCommand10-11.The grid line that forms a rightangle to the central meridian on astate grid system is known by whatname?1.X-axis2.Y-axis3.Southern grid basis line4.Graticule10-12.How are blocks, tracts, andsubdivisions indicated on maps?1.Tracts and subdivisions arenumbered; whereas, blocks arenamed2.Subdivisions are numbered;whereas, blocks and tractsare named3.Tracts are numbered; whereas,blocks and subdivisions arenamed4.Tracts and blocks arenumbered; whereas,subdivision are named10-13.Which of the following types ofdata is contained in the map booksthat are filed in the recorder’soffice?1.Subdivision boundariesand locations2.Map history3.Bench mark locations4.Listing of all the pertinentmaps for a subdivision10-14.During a boundary survey, which ofthe following information must bereported by the surveyor?1.Correction to the originalsurvey2.Encroachments, easements, orany discrepancies3.Man-hours spent on the survey4.All errors made during thesurvey10-15.What is a primary responsibilityfor a land surveyor making surveyson property boundaries?1.To ensure the etablishmentof blocks, tracts, andsubdivision2.To meet the requests of theproperty owners3.To prepare data that may besubmitted as evidence forproperty disputes4.To verify previous surveys soproperty may be transferred10-16.HOW do land surveys differ fromother types of surveys?1.The surveyor may be requiredto make boundary decisionsfrom conflicting evidence2.More experience is requiredto perform land surveys3.The accuracy required forland surveys is more precise4.Methods for determininghorizontal locations aredifferent67
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