ASSIGNMENT 10Textbook kAssignment: “Engineering and Land Surveys.” Pages 10-30 through 10-37 and“Horizontal and Vertical Curves.” Pages 11-1 through 11-21.Learning Objective: Indicatethe purpose, principles, andpractical uses of land surveys.Identify the duties of the landsurveyor.10-1.What type of survey determinesthe boundaries and areas of aproperty?1.Geodetic2.Hydrographic3.Land4.Each of the above10-2.The term deed is a legalinstrument whereby a1.2.3.4.surveyor is permitted todetermine the boundaries ofanother person’s real propertyperson denies the use of hisreal property for a specificpurpose to another personperson transfers his rightto real property to anotherpersonsurveyor is permitted tooccupy real property todetermine the boundariesof other real property10-3.All real estate deeds written inthe United States must containwhat information?1.A leasehold2.An easement3.An accurate boundarydescription4.A judge’s signature10-4.When a particular land tract isdefined by the lengths andbearings of its boundaries, thetract is described by what term?1.Deed references2.The coordinates ofproperty corners3.Blocks, tracts, orsubdivisions4.Metes and bounds10-5.When magnetic bearings are read,which of the following informationshould be stated on the descrip-tion of the land tract?1.Computed azimuths2.Declination and dateof the survey3.Plane coordinate ofthe corner monuments4.Geodetic coordinatesof the corner monuments10-6.Modern surveying practice callsfor a surveyor to supplementmetes-and-bounds descriptionsof boundaries with additionaldescriptive elements whenavailable.1.True2.Fa1se10-7.From which of the followingpoints should a metes-and-boundsdescription start?1.At an established monument2.At a base line3.At a neighboring boundary4.At a bench mark66
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