9-57.In relation to the incoming andoutgoing ducts, where is the bottomof a manhole for an undergroundpower system usually located?1.About 6 in. below the invertsof the incoming and outgoingducts2.About 6 in. below the bottomsof the incoming and outgoingducts3.About 2 ft below the bottoms ofthe incoming and outgoing ducts4.About 2 ft below the inverts ofthe incoming ducts9-58.A construction sheet is preparedduring a stakeout survey for whatpurpose?1.To provide a permanentconstruction record2.To provide a ready referencefor computing earthwork3.To record the surveyors’accomplishments4.To preserve the descriptionof the location and elevationof all hubsLearning Objective: Determinedistances and locations for givenairfield and waterfront surveys.9-59.When laying out a runway, you mustconsider what factor?1.Landing area2.Parking apron3.Direction of the prevailingwind4.Drainage9-60.What is the normal glide anglefor most aircraft?1.1-ft vertical to 100-fthorizontal2.1-ft vertical to 75-fthorizontal3.1-ft vertical to 50-fthorizontal4.2-ft horizontal to 100-ftvertical9-61.You are tasked to check forobstructions at the end of anairfield approach zone. Whatvertical angle should be used?1. 1°2.1°8’45”3.1°50’4. 2°IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 9-62 AND 9-63,REFER TO FIGURE 10-29 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK.9-62.What is the distance between9 and M?1.60 ft2.67 ft3.174 ft4.267 ft9-63.What is the distance from set-uppoint E to pile No. 29? locating piles by triangu-lation, you would normally locatehow many piles?1.As many as possible2.Half of each bent3.The two outside pilesof each bent4. Two9-65.What type of notes, for eachcontrol station, should bemaintained when shooting in piles?1.Field notes2.As-built drawings3.Stakeout drawings4.A pile location sheet65
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