between stations 1 + 00 and 3 + 50 would be dumpedinto the adjacent fill space between stations 3 + 50 and6 + 00. The fill space between stations 6 + 00 and 8 +00 would be filled with borrow; that is, material takenfrom a nearby borrow pit. The fill space betweenstations 8 + 00 and 10 + 50 would be filled with thecut between 10 + 50 and 13 + 00, and the spacebetween stations 16 + 50 and 19 + 00 would be filledwith the cut lying between stations 14 + 00 and 16 +50. You will notice that the haul limit on the lastsection of the mass diagram (between stations 14 + 00and 19 + 00) is almost on the line of zero yardage. Thishaul-limit distance also is called the balance line,because the volume of cut is equal to the volume offill. If, for example, the balance line on the last sectionof the mass diagram in figure 10-10 is only about 400feet, then instead of wasting the cut between stations13 + 00 and 14 + 00, you would use that to fill thehollow between stations 19 + 00 and 20 + 00. Surpluscut remaining would naturally be wasted afterallowing for shrinkage in the filled spaces.CONSTRUCTION SURVEYSIn this section we will discuss constructionsurveying, as it pertains to the stakeout of varioustypes of construction, such as bridges and culverts,sewer lines, airfield runways, and waterfrontstructures. For a refresher of stakeout surveys for othertypes of construction, such as buildings andpavements, you should review chapter 14 of the EA3TRAMAN.As mentioned early in this chapter, as-builtsurveying is performed for two purposes: (1) todetermine the horizontal and vertical location ofpoints as they are actually constructed in the field and(2) to determine the amount of work accomplished upto a given date. Towards the first of those purposes,little can be said that is not adequately covered in theEA3 TRAMAN; therefore, the below discussion ofas-built surveying is geared towards the secondpurpose.First, however, let’s consider an aspect of bothas-built and stakeout surveying that is of particularsignificance to the party chief; that is, the party chiefmust maintain close liaison with the other crewsworking on the project. Survey parties workindependently on many types of surveys, such asestablishing horizontal and vertical control, runningpreliminary lines, shooting topo, and gatheringengineering data. But in stakeout, the survey party isan integral part of the construction team. Timing andscheduling are important. When line and grade stakesare not set at the right place and at the right time, thework of entire construction crews are delayed. Theparty chief must also be constantly aware of the needfor replacing stakes that have been knocked out byaccident or design. Frequently, changes in grade andalignment will be authorized in the field to best meetthe conditions encountered. These field-change orderswill, in many cases, require immediate computationsin the field and revisions to the stakeout. It is best toobtain as-built data as soon as a section of the work iscomplete. This is particularly true if field changeshave been made, since the press of further constructionmay prevent a timely return to the job to obtain theas-built data. When this data is not obtained, users ofthe plans may be seriously misled in supposing thatthe construction conformed to the original drawings.As-Built Surveys for MonitoringConstruction ProgressIn the Seabees, the percentage of completion forconstruction projects is based on a work in place(WIP) concept. To explain this, let’s consider a simpleexample in which Charlie company is required to paintout three rooms totaling 1,100 square feet of wall andceiling surface. When half of the total square footageis completed, the work in place is 550 square feet andthe painting work is 50 percent complete. When allsurfaces have been painted, then the work is 100percent complete.Now let’s assume that a construction battalion istasked with the construction of 15 miles ofbituminous-paved road. As you know from your studyof chapter 3 of this TRAMAN, the construction of thisroad will include construction activities, such asclearing, excavation for base and subbase courses,installation of drainage structures, placement of baseand subbase courses, prime coating, and laying thebituminous-surface course. Each of those activitiesrepresents a certain percentage of the total project.Let’s assume that the construction activity for clearingis estimated to be 5 percent of the total project and thatthis activity involves the removal of 528,000 squareyards of brush and overburden. When all of theclearing is completed and no other work has beenaccomplished, then the project is 5 percent complete;however, if only 130,000 square yards has beenremoved and no other work has been accomplished,then about 25 percent of the clearing activity has beencompleted and the project is .05 x .25 = 1 percentcomplete.10-14
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