Figure 8-29.—Cliff.CONTOUR MAP CONSTRUCTIONIf EAs can perform ordinary engineering draftingchores, they will not have any difficulty in constructinga topographic map. To some degree, topographers mustdraw contour lines by estimation. Their knowledge ofcontour line characteristics and the configuration of theterrain that the contour lines represent will be a greathelp. Topographers must use their skill and judgment todraw the contour lines so that the lines are the bestrepresentation of the actual configuration of the groundsurface.Basically, the construction of a contour mapconsists of three operations. They are as follows:1. Plot horizontal control that will serve as theframework of the map.2. Plot details, including the map location ofground points of known ground elevation. These groundFigure 8-30.—Plotting detail and contouring.points or contour points will be used as guides for theproper location of the contour lines.3. Construct contour lines at given contourintervals.Take special care, in the field, to locate ridge andvalley lines because you usually draw these lines firston the map before plotting the actual contour points.(See fig. 8-30, view A.) Since contours ordinarilychange direction sharply where they cross these linesand the slopes of ridges and valleys are fairly uniform,these lines aid you in drawing the correct contour lines.After the ridge and valley lines are plotted, spacecontour crossings (by interpolation) along them before8-21
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