identification number. This is shown at boththe top and the bottom of the page. Each AELhas the word END printed in the center of thepage immediately following the last line of datafor that AEL. his ensures that a complete AELis available.Characteristics: A general description, charac-teristics, and/or other identifying informationconcerning the equipage/system named in item1. This may include additional information asstated in the text.Reference number/description data: Containssignificant information, manufacturer’s partnumbers, reference numbers, special commentsand references to other AELs, and so forth.Item name: Arranged in alphabetical sequence,the name of each item; and when appropriate orapplicable,additional nomenclature,dimensions, and so forth, to describe the itemnamed.Stock number: The FSN assigned to the items.When an FSN is not assigned, this positionshows a manufacturer’s part or catalog numberor other identifying number.Security classification: Reserved for futureCOSAL useSource code: Shows the availability of the itemsand the method of procuremcnt. These codes aredefincd in the introduction.Maintenance code: Reserved for future COSALuse.Recoverability code: Shows the recoverabilitycharacteristics of the item as follows:R–RepairableS–SalvageableC–ConsumableBlank: Column reserved for future COSAL USC.Allowance notes codes: Provides neccessary andimportant information about individual itemson the AEL. The introduction lists and definesthese codes.Custody codes: Reserved for future COSALuse.Unit of issue: Thc smallest quantity of a stockitem that can be issued. Normally blank See the text foradditional information.On board allowance table: Consist of eightnumbered columns in which quantities may beshown. In certain cases, the total shipboardallowance quantity is determined by the sumtotal of quantities appearing in designatedcolumns of several AELs. The COSAL indexwill show all applicable AEL numbers and theappropriate columns for each. The abbreviationAR (as required) may appear instead of aquantity. Information as to quantity allowed willthen be contained elsewhere in the AEL.Ship type and hull number: The specific ship forwhich the AEL is published.Page:Consecutive page numbering from firstpage to last page of all AEL pages published inthe COSAL.Idcntification number: Same as item 3.Date:Same as item 4.Page:Same as item 5.The Characteristics column (No. 6) may alsocontain information to help you determine allowancequantity, equipage type, and substitutions necessarybecause of differences in the installed equipment and thecharacteristics of the ship.The Quantity column (No. 18) is normally blank,but when it is used, as in figure 5-5, it shows the quantityof the individual items included in the equipage item.his helps you replace items that have been used.STOCK NUMBER SEQUENCE LIST (SNSL).–Thc SNSL is composed of two parts: storeroom items(SNSL-SRI) and operating space items (SNSL-OSI).Supply officers use the SNSL-SRI to determine whatrepair parts to stock in the storerooms. They use theSNSL-OSI to determine the items required or generallyused to maintain engineering spaces and equipment. Wesaid earlier that the controlled equipage allowanceshown on the SNSL-OSI is mandatory, but theconsumable items are listed only as a guide.ALTERNATE NUMBER CROSS REFER-ENCE TO STOCK NUMBER.– The cross-referencesection contains all of the reference numbers(specification, plan, catalog, part, or type number) in theAPLs. It cross-references them to the current NSN, ifone is assigned.COSAL MAINTENANCE.– We said earlier thatthe COSAL is one of the primary publications to use5-12
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