3-51. Common tools, administrative,supplies, and housekeeping items.1. B2. C3. D4. E3-52.The last nine digits of the NIINidentifies the NSN in whatorganization?1.The Navy Supply System2.The Defense Logistics Agency3.The Federal supply distributionsystem4.The material commands3-53.The requirement to name, classify,describe, and number all items, andto publish catalogs, stock andi d e n t i f i c a t i o n l i s t s i d e n t i f i eswhat organization or system?.1.The Naval supply system2.The Equipage Allowance List3.The Federal Catalog System4.The Defense Logistics Agency3-54.The first number of the cognizantcode provides what information?1.The transaction account2.The stores account3.The location parts not carriedonboard4.The defense allocation priority3-55.The source of quality control, atechnical design or configurationmodel, and special controls forr e c e i p t , i n s p e c t i o n , t e s t , s t o r a g e,or issue are identified in whatcode number?1.NCB2.NSN3.FSC4.SMIC3-56.To identify material used byengineering personnel, you shouldprimarily use what publication?1.NAVSUP 4852.NAVSEA 09-13483.COSAL4.MSDS3-57.Ships can achieve maximum operatingcapabilities for extended periods3-58.3-59.3-60.3-61.of time without external logisticalsupport because of what document?1.The Material Maintenance Manual2.The Coordinated ShipboardAllowance List3.The Equipage Allowance List4.The Federal Material Managementand Procurement ManualThe responsibility for material,custody records, and accountabilityfor items of controlled equipageare determined by what list(s)?1.Allowance Lists2.Inventory Control Lists3.Accountability and ProcurementL i s t4.Control Material MaintenanceL i s tThe COSAL is divided into how manyparts?1.One2.Two3.Three4.FourThe Summary of Effective AllowanceParts/Equipage List is used tocheck what part of a new COSAL?1. I2. II 3.I I I4.III-Section AWhat sections of the COSAL, part11, contain the exact sameinformation to provide a cross-index of all APL/AELs?1.A and C2.B and C3.C and D4.A and B22
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