ASSIGNMENT 4Textbook Assignment: “Engineering Material,” chapter 5, pages 5-14 through 5-27, and“Environmental Policies and Procedures,” chapter 6, all.4-1.An Integrated Logistics Overhaul(ILO) is usually scheduled at whattime?1.During a regularly scheduledoverhaul2.6 months before an overhaul3.3 to 6 months before a majora v a i l a b i l i ty4.When excess stores are locatedonboard4-2.What document is used onnonautomated ships to issue repairparts from supply?1.DD 13052.DD 47903..NAVSUP Form 12504.DD Form 13484-3.If an item you request is not instock, the supply department takeswhat action to get it for you?1.Submits a DD form 12502.Prepares a direct turn overr e q u i s i t i on3.Submits an urgency of needrequest4.Orders the item through openpurchase4-4.NAVSUP 1348-6 is used to order apart under which of the followingc r i t e r ia1.An urgency of need designatoris assigned to the requisition2.The part has no NSN3.The storeroom is out of thepart4.The part is new and not yet ins t o ck4-5.4 - 6.4-7.4 - 8 .4 - 9.Electric accounting machines andautomatic data processing systemsare used to process requisitions inwhich of the following programs?1.MILSTRIP2.MILSTRAP3.UMMIPS4 . M A MsWhen you send the supply departmenta NAVSUP 1250, it returns whatcolor copy to notify you to preparea DTO requisition?1.Pink2.Beige3.Yellow4.GreenUrgently needed material that isavailable locally in port should bepurchased with what requisition? in-excessDAASBearerin-excess requisition is issuedfor which of the following types ofmaterial?1.Controlled equipage on an AEL2.Repair parts on an APL3.Controlled equipage not on anAEL4.Common consumable suppliesWhat officer determines the amounto fbe1.2.3.4.fuel required and when it shoulddelivered?The supply officerThe main propulsion assistantThe engineer officerThe fueling officer25
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