4-10.What system ensures that materialrequests are processed according tomilitary importance and urgency ofneed?1.MILSTRIP2.UMMIPS3.NAMMS4.FADSFigure 4AIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 4-11 THROUGH 4-16,SELECT FROM FIGURE 4A THE FAD NUMBER THATIS BEST DESCRIBED IN THE QUESTION,4-11.4-12.4-13.Assigned by fleet commanders-in-chief for forces being maintainedin a state of combat readiness forimmediate deployment.1. A2.B3. C4. DBased on DOD determination ofactivity/mission importance ore s s e n t i a l i t y.1. A2. B3. C4. DAssigned by commanders who canassign FAD II and any other commandthat is designated a major claimantfor budget purposes.1. B2. D3. E4. F4-14.4-15.4-16.4-17.4-18.4-19.Assigned by SECDEF for U.S. ArmedForces in combat.1. A2. B3. C4. DAssigned to all other U.S. forcesor activities and approved programsof DOD components not otherwisedesignated.1. C2.D3. E4. FAssigned to DOD component programsand projects that are of comparableimportance to U.S. forces beingmaintained in a state of combatreadiness for deployment to combat.1. C2. D3. E4. FWhen using the controlled equipagelist, items that require signedcustody of the department head areidentified by what means?1.An asterisk2.A l l c a p i t a l l e t t e rs3.Brackets4.UnderliningWhat NAVSUP form is used as acustody record and inventorycontrol document?1.1348.12 .1250.23.3064.1305Department heads must complete thecontrolled equipage inventorywithin what maximum number of daysafter the inventory began?1. 102. 203. 304. 4526
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