4-35.Which of the following is NOT acommon source of oil contamination?1.Leakage or drainage fromequipment and systems2.Misalignment of the lube oiltransfer system3.Contaminated oil from purifiers4.Used oil removed from equipmentduring an oil change4-36.What instruction provides reportingprocedures for oil spills withinthe 50-mile prohibited zone?1.OPNAVINST 5090.12.OPNAVINST 5100.19B3.OPNAVINST 5100.2B4.NAVSEAINST 4790.44-37.What publication contains adescription and instructions forthe oil spill containment andcleanup kit?1.NAVSEA 0994-CP-041-70102.NSTM 2623.NAVSEA 0994-LP-013-60104.OPNAVINST 5100.14-38.The shipboard CHT system wasdesigned for which of the followinggoals?1.To reduce shipboard sewagedischarge2.To prevent environmentalhazards at sea3.To hold sewage generated over a12-hour period4.To comply with guidelinesidentified in DOD directives4-39.The Navy uses how many types of CHTsystems on its ships?4-40.What manual has guidelines forsewage discharge procedures forships in dry dock?1.NAVOSH 5100.32.N S T M 0 903.CHT Systems Disposal Manual4.N S T M 9 974-41.What is the primary designdifference between comminutor-typeand strainer-type CHT systems?1.The number installed needed toaccommodate waste disposal2.Capacity3.Design features4.E f f i c i e n cy4-42.Soil and waste drains aredischarged overboard by what means?1.Automatic CHT pump overflowsensors2.Installed overflow check valves3.Proper alignment of thediverter valves4.Manually4-43.Vent pipes are installed on fueloil tanks for what reason?1.To provide early detection off u e l o i l s p i l ls2.To allow air to escape or enterwhile filling or emptying3.To allow proper aeration andprevent stagnation4.To control free surface effectwithin the tank1.One2.Two3.Three4.Four29
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