Questions 4-28 through 4-68 refer tochapter 6 in the text.4-28.What acts require federal and localgovernments to create and maintainenvironmental improvement?1.The Federal Anti-Pollution Actsof 1966 and 19742.The Water Quality Act of 1923and the amended EnvironmentalProtection Act of 19643.The National EnvironmentalPolicy Act of 1969 and theEnvironmental QualityImprovement Act of 19704.The Oil Pollution and WaterManagement of Navigable WatersActs of 19874-29.The noncasually discharge of anytype of oil from any vessel oroffshore facility within thecontiguous 12-mile zone isprohibited by what act?1.The Water Quality ImprovementAct of 19792.The National EnvironmentalPolicy Act of 19693.The Environmental QualityImprovement Act of 19704.The Oil Pollution Act of 19234-30.The U.S. Navy changed from standardf u e l s t o d i s t i l l a t e - t y p e f u e l s f orwhat reason?1.They are cheaper to produce2.They are international gradeso f f u e l3.They are produced with highergrades of petroleum, whichgenerate higher heatcoefficient ratios andincreased economy4.They contain low sulfur contentand burn cleaner4-31.Guidelines to prevent, control, andabate air and water pollution arefound in what manual?1.The NAVOSH Program Manual2.The Water and Air PollutionSupport Agency ProgramManagement Manual3.The Environmental and NaturalResources Program Manual4.The Environmental ProtectionManagement Program Manual4-32.As a supervisor, it is yourresponsibility to reduceenvironmental pollution by which ofthe following means?1.Strictly enforce the proper useof all tools and safety devices2.Train personnel on the causesand prevention of environmentalhazards3.Use only your most seniorpersonnel for any potentiallyhazardous environmentaloperation4.File all required reports andrecords before beginningoperations that may causep o l l u t i on4-33.What is the preferred method ofreducing pollution?1.Prevent pollution2.Control and minimize thep o l l u t i on3.Train personnel on the types ofp o l l u t i on4.Indoctrinate personnel on theproper use of containmentequipment4-34.What person is responsible forensuring that formal training isprovided to key personnel whomaintain and operate pollutioncontrol equipment?1.The executive officer2.The commanding officer3.The training officer4.The damage control assistant28
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