Figure 4BIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 4-44 THROUGH 4-52,CHOOSE FROM FIGURE 4B THE PART OF THE FUELOIL SYSTEM THAT IS BEST DESCRIBED IN THEQUESTION.4-44.Allows natural forces to separatethe oil from water and otherimpurities.1. A2. B3. C4. D4-45.Contains the piping and pumps thatdistribute fuel oil for use.1. C2. E3. F4. G4-46,Contains connections that can beused both to receive and dischargef u e l o i l .1. C2. E3. F4. G4-47.Also serve as ballast tanks becausethey can be filled with seawaterfrom the ballasting system.1. C2. D3. H4. I4-48.4-49.4-50.4-51.4-52.Used to receive, hold, andd i s t r i b u t e f u e l o i l.1. A2. B3. C4. HMay be located forward and aft ofthe machinery spaces and in double-bottom compartments as long as theyare not directly under the boiler.1. A2. B3. C4. DContains all fuel oil for immediateuse in the boilers.1. B2. C3. D4. EIncludes fuel oil service tanks, aservice main, manifolds, piping,and fuel oil service pumps.1. F2. G3. H4. IClears the fuel oil tanks of sludgeand water before usable oil ispumped from them by the fuel oilbooster, transfer, and servicepump.1. F2. G3. H4. I4-53.What type of pumps are usually usedas main,port, and cruising fuelo i l1.2.3.4.service pumps?Gear typeCentrifugal typeScrew typeLobe type30
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