17 Sheet metal shop26 Welding shop31 Inside machine shop38 Outside machine shop51 Electric shop56 Pipe and copper shop64 Woodworking shop (may include 94 patternshop)67 Electronics shop71 Paint shop72 Riggers and laborers shop (may include 74 sailloft)74 Sail loft99 Temporary service shopThe following list shows the numbers and names ofproduction department shops located only in certainshipyards:23 Forge shop25 Gas manufacturing shop27 Galvanizing shop35 Optical shop36 Weapons shop37 Electrical manufacturing shop41 Boiler shop68 Boat shop81 Foundry94 Pattern shopThe Ship SuperintendentThe ship superintendent is a position common tomost repair facilities; his major role is as liaison betweenthe ship and the repair facility. In this case, he representsthe shipyard repair superintendent who, in turn,represents the production officer. The shipsuperintendent is responsible for completion of allauthorized work on a given ship while it is in theshipyard. He keeps an office on board the ship and actsas liaison between the ship and the shipyard.It is customary to assign a ship superintendent wellbefore the ship enters the yard to give him time toprepare. Between the time he is assigned and the timethe ship arrives, the ship superintendent reviews allavailable information on the condition of the ship andthe plans for work in the shipyard. He learns who willprepare the plans and coordinates progress on any workthat must be done before the ship arrives. The shipsuperintendent meets the ship when it arrives and makessure the required services are furnished promptly. Hedelivers to the commanding officer (or executiveofficer) copies of orders and regulations that coverpoints that affect the ship and the shipyard. He also triesto hold a meeting with the ship’s department heads toreview plans for the overhaul and begin coordination.The ship superintendent attends the frequentprogress review conferences the shipyard commanderholds with the commanding officer of each ship in theshipyard. He also holds frequent conferences with shoppersonnel, ship personnel, the cognizant type deskofficer, and other yard personnel to ensure the timelycompletion of all authorized work.At least one day before the end of the overhaul, theship superintendent holds a departure conference withthe ship’s representatives. They agree on last-minuteadjustments or corrections, sign work requests that werenot previously signed by the ship’s representatives as“completed,” or “completed, subject to final test.” If anywork is found to be unsatisfactory, the responsibleofficer records the reasons. This conference determinesstatus of all authorized work including uncompletedwork that should be done during the ship’s nextavailability. The ship superintendent reports the statusof all job orders to the planning department, which thenprepares the departure report.Work RequestsIn nearly all cases, any work done in a shipyard musthave a work request, OPNAV 4790-2K, whether the jobis the overhaul of a single piece of equipment thatrequires one work request or a major SHIPALT thatrequires any number. You will find the procedures usedto submit work requests in OPNAV instructions. Submitthe work requests to the TYCOM with enough advancetime to allow his review and approval and to reach theshipyard at least 60 days before the work will be done.While most work requests originate on the ship, othersmay come from other sources, such as an INSURVinspection that recommends an alteration.When work requests originate on the ship, the CO,XO, and department heads hold a conference to setpriorities. They will use those priorities to prepare awork list that includes brief statements of the work to be9-13
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