Figure 9-7.-Organization chart of the supervisor of shipbuilding, conversion and repair, USN.normally the planning officer of the shipyard, serves asthe administrative head of the SUPSHIP organization.The assistant officer-in-charge also administers publicrelations matters and ensures effective use of SUPSHIPpersonnel.Another assistant, the assistant for weapons, isprimary liaison for ordnance between SUPSHIP andNAVSEA. He is the principal advisor to SUPSHIP onweapons systems matters and the related technicaldirection. His broad responsibilities are to reviewspecifications on weapons drawings, exercisetechnical control over weapons tests and designchanges, procure and issue weapons, and controlallowance lists and incomplete weapons work lists forthe INSURV board.The Product assurance engineer administers theSUPSHIP’s Quality and Reliability Assurance Program.His responsibilities are to determine how wellcontractors conform to quality standards. Hecoordinates the quality assurance efforts of all SUPSHIPdepartments; provides liaison between SUPSHIP,NAVSEA, and the contractor to develop and applyquality and reliability assurance techniques; anddevelops and administers training programs for qualityand reliability assurance.The ship acquisition project manager (SHAPM)technical representative is used only in conjunction withmajor projects. The incumbent in this position works forSUPSHIP but receives supervision and technicaldirection from the project manager.SUPSHIP DEPARTMENTSThe following sections deal with the majorfunctions of the typical departmentsorganization shown in figure 9-7.The Administrative Departmentof a SUPSHIPThis department serves the SUPSHIP in naval andcivilian personnel matters, industrial relations, public9-15
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