done and submit it to the TYCOM for review. TheTYCOM forwards the approved requests either to thenaval shipyard or SUPSHIP.Ship AlterationsEach year the TYCOMs send NAVSEA a list of theSHIPALTs recommended for completion during the nextfiscal year overhaul. NAVSEA reviews the lists and usesthem as the basis for its own list of authorized SHIPALTthat it publishes in the Fleet Modernization Program (FMP).Some SHIPALTs are planned by a Planning andEngineering for Repairs and Alterations (PERA), andthose plans reach the shipyard by other routes that wewill not discuss here. For our purposes, NAVSEA sendsa 180-day letter to the TYCOM and to the shipyard’splanning department. The letter contains a priority listof SHIPALTs to be completed during the scheduledoverhaul and a funds grant to cover the cost of the work.About 90 days before the ship arrives at theshipyard, NAVSEA sends the shipyard, the TYCOM,and the ship a 90-day material status letter. This lettercontains a list of approved alterations in priority orderfor each ship and any changes in the work that wasauthorized in the 180-day letter.SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING,CONVERSION AND REPAIREach naval district has a Supervisor of Shipbuilding,Conversion and Repair, USN (SUPSHIP) under theNAVSEASYSCOM. SUPSHIP might be called thecommercial arm of naval ship construction, conversion,alteration, overhaul, and repair. It alone can contract withprivate repair organizations for work on Navy ships inprivate shipyards, naval shipyards, IMAs, SIMAs, orSRFs. Its major role is to procure private contractingrepair services where Navy repair services are notequipped to handle the job. Civilian contractors mayprovide these services entirely, as in new shipconstruction or overhauls in a civilian shipyard. Theyalso may work in conjunction with naval personnel innaval shipyards, IMAs, SIMAs, and SRFs. An officer incharge heads the Office of the Supervisor ofShipbuilding. This officer has many of the sameoversight responsibilities as a shipyard commander in anaval shipyard. SUPSHIP is responsible for thefollowing tasks and functions:. Administer Department of the Navy and otherDepartment of Defense shipbuilding, design,conversion, and facility contracts at private shipyards.. Procure and administer overhauls, repairs,alterations, activations, and inactivations on naval shipsunder master contracts with private shipyards.. Provide contract administration services for allDOD contracts awarded to plants according to the plantcognizance program.. Carry out mobilization logistic planningfunctions, which include responsibility to (1) performplanning assigned in the NAVSEA Logistic SupportPlan (LSP), and prepare and maintain a subsidiarymobilization logistic support plan; (2) do IndustrialMobilization production Planning (IMPP); (3) serve asArmed Services Procurement Planning Officer(ASPPO); and (4) maintain the Register of PlannedEmergency Procedures (RPEP) for assigned facilities.. Supervise the installation of ordnance equipmenton merchant ships at private yards.. Carry out NAVSEA’s marine salvage dutieswithin the naval district.. Provide technical guidance in the matters in thislist to all naval activities in the assigned naval district,to the area coordinator, and to the Military SealiftCommand (MSC).. Provide administrative support services toperform other tasks as directed.ORGANIZATION OF SUPSHIPFigure 9-7 shows the organization of SUPSHIP.NAVSEA must approve any deviation from thisstandard organization. SUPSHIP is the directrepresentative of the command(s) for whom SUPSHIPis acting in official transactions with contractors.SUPSHIP reviews all correspondence betweencontractors and NAVSEA and recommends to NAVSEAthe proper course of action. SUPSHIP administrationensures proper placement and administration of MasterContracts for Repair and Alteration of Vessels and joborders, timely and economical completion of overhauland repair work, conformance of such work withspecification requirements, maintenance of acceptablequality standards, and safe practices.SUPSHIP STAFFSUPSHIP delegates duties and responsibilities tothe assistant officer-in-charge. In districts whereSUPSHIP is the commander of a naval shipyard or thehead of another activity, the assistant officer-in-charge,9-14
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